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It's funny, because before all this shit happened, Elisia was actually very timid. If there was a fight, she would always be a watcher, never the one fighting or the one who was brave enough to break the fight. She had been a bit scared of ghosts and of the dark and, though she was afraid to admit it, dogs, even at the age of sixteen. She was the scaredy cat of the class, and if there was a prank to be pulled on someone, she'd be one of the top candidates because you'd be sure to get a hilarious reaction from her.

Not that there was any animosity between her and her classmates. She had friends, and she talked and had fun with people. It was just that she was always known as the scaredy cat, especially next to her best friend, Katy, who was full of fire and spirit.

So, at the end of the year, she had been voted Least Likely To Survive The Apocalypse by her classmates. She remembered reading her title and then agreeing with her classmates before asking them what their titles were.

It's very, very funny, in a sick kind of way. Because now, a year and a half later, in a world filled with Disceased, they were all dead, and only Elisia survived.

At least, she thought she was the only one.

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