[ Welcome To The Show ]

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about the wait on this. Hopefully it doesn't seem too choppy—I finally finished it today and it still needs editing. It's been super fun to write, though! Pine Wolf's story should be next. I'm getting this book rolling, guys! ;D

Wow, I'm writing a story with the same title as a bazillion other Gravity Falls fanfics, and a chapter with the exact same title as about three chapters from other Gravity Rises fanfics. I guess they're just really good titles? I wasn't being very original when I planned this? Great minds think alike? XD

Anyways, if you're not familiar with the Gravity Rises AU, I would COMPLETELY recommend staying up until four in the morning reading BrightnessWings19's Gravity Rises series! ...Well, no, don't stay up until four. That was a bad idea on my part, but hey, I couldn't put it down!

Gravity Rises is an AU created by the very talented Sorophora/Nelauk, where each pair of characters' roles are switched! So that means Dipper is very social and silly, Mabel is serious and an avid mystery investigator, Gideon is the Northwest with his own agenda, Pacifica runs a physic show and can be very creepy when she wants to be, etc.

Dedicated to BrightnessWings19, ephemeralemerald27, ThiaHolimon and ontheupsidedown, Gideon's fan-tastic family! <3 (And anyone else I missed! Gideon sure has a lot of cool family members; I don't think I've met them all yet! 😜)

The song is Welcome to the Show by Britt Nicole, which is totally my personal theme song for Gravity Rises until a better one reveals itself. And I mean, c'mon. Totally a Pacifica song.

Amanda and the general plot of Gravity Rises this is based on belong to BrightnessWings19! As does this Awesome Badge, which I now award her. *holds up Official Awesomeness Badge with cute little wings on it* Thanks for making this AU into such an epic story!


* * *

The large tent was strangely dark inside.

The atmosphere of the Tent o' Telepathy was quiet, save the murmurs of excitement from the crowd. Up ahead, the crescent-shaped wooden stage was encircled at the front by large lightbulbs and flanked by purple curtains on either side—but the stage itself was unlit and empty.

Mabel Pines followed her brother inside, glancing around hesitantly.

Rows and rows of chairs were set up to face the stage, and they were filling quickly. Eager residents from all over Gravity Rises seemed to be here, despite the chill the winter weather gave.

Despite the chill this place gave, too.

Mabel shivered beneath the fur lining of her coat, somehow a little more uncomfortable with the odd feeling this tent tent gave her than with the temperature. But ahead of her, where he was already bounding toward a set of empty seats with a spring in his step, Dipper didn't seem to hold the same reservations.

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