The Jury

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They were on their feet; The judge walked in. His honour had on his formal blue,crisp Shirt, spit and polished as well as black horn-rimmed glasses to go with his slightly faded slacks.

"Good Morning,'' he began and received and received the cordial response. "Today we have the case of Hamilton and McArthur before us.They are both contesting for the Highest position in this establishment." He concluded and the two candidates could not help but give each other cold stares. Winter had definitely come.

Up stepped Hamilton, with an unmistakable grin on his face. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen," he began and his impeccable English followed. He argued
his case professionally and by the end of his presentation, only one person in that room thought McArthur had a chance.

He took in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began. Equally stunning was his speech and after the applause had died down, the deadly silence followed. Anyone was certainly deserving of the position;it would only go to one person.

The Judge looked up at the two Candidates and couldn't see himself leaning towards any one of them.Both candidates had come out to present amazing cases, but a decision had to be made.

"I've made my choice, but it was not was easy," he brushed the beads of sweat of his forehead and felt his heart beat slightly against his ribcage.

"Hamilton, Congratulations," and the inevitable despair appeared on McArthur's face. At the same time, half of the room erupted whilst the other half sank into
their chairs. The judge made a mental note of this.

"Order,Order," The judge commanded, trying to calm the jury and the audience down.

In the left corner of the room, Hamilton felt the pressure on his shoulders diminish. He could finally smile, he was the class prefect.

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