Chapter 1 - The Oblivious Girl and the Vampire

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Pinned up against the ally wall, the robber let out a strangled cough. The blond before him was lifting the man by the neck several feet off the ground. The bluenette he attempted to rob was cowering on the floor behind the boy, a hand covering her open mouth. Clearly she was in shock.

But this was no boy.

He was stronger, faster and his eyes normally green eyes were glowing red from rage.

But the most shocking thing about him was the two fangs that grew from his upper jaw.

Yes this was no boy...

...this was a monster.

---10 years ago---

The playground was buzzing with excitement as young five year olds ran amuck. Hopping and weaving through playground equipment, a game of tag was under way.

But amongst all of this, a lone boy sat on the side lines in sadness. On the outside he seemed completely contempt with watching the other children play, but Marinette knew better than that. There was obliviously something wrong with him, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

The young raven haired girl skipped over to him. A smile adorned her face as she held out a hand for him to shake.

"Hi there! I'm Marinette!"

The blond boy looked at her outstretched hand curiously, but at the same time he seemed afraid. Gently he wrapped his fingers around her hand, almost like she was a delicate piece of glass that would shatter from his touch. He allowed her to do the shaking then retreated his hand as soon as she let go.

"I-I'm A-Adrien."

"Nice ta meet cha!" Her smile faded into a frown, "Why aren't you playing with the others? Is something wrong?"

The boy didn't respond, instead he kept on looking ahead at the group of kids playing. Pulling his legs to his chest, he sat curled up in the shade of the oak behind him.

Marinette's confusion turned into concern by his odd behavior. "Chloe didn't hurt ya did she? That mean witch is always picking on other, imma gonna give her a piece of my mind-"

She stopped her turn when she left a gentle hand on her shoulder. Turning back to the boy she saw pleading in his eyes, but at the same time a sense of gratitude.

"No no she didn't do anything, my papa is the one who won't let me play. He says I don't have enough control yet..." A frown, Marinette didn't like frowns.

She sat on the bench next to him, trying her best to smile. "Well then lets not play."

"You can go if you want."

"No I wanna stay with you."

A new emotion appeared on Adrien's face one that the five year old couldn't place or explain.

"Wanna be friends?" Marinette asked.

The boy smiled, she could of sworn that his canines were elongated. "Sure!"


That was how the two of them met and became the best of friends. Marinette always believed that Adrien was normal even though he was a strange one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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