Chapter 1

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My mom's name is-was- Felicity Smoke.Then she married my Dad,Oliver Queen.My mom couldn't get pregnant at first so they adopted my older brother Tamotsu R. Queen.2 years later my mom had me Elizabeth A. Queen.

My dad is very calculative and always show a poker face but when me and Tamotsu manage to make him laugh (or smile) it makes the moment feel extra special.On the other Hand, my social life beyond my family is....Let's just say I have NO social life what so ever. Why?

Even though I have family there for me and a seemingly 'Perfect' life I was miserable and Bullied everyday at school( No social life + Bulling=Sarcastic 'I'M doing great-Lol)

I was bullied by two people: John Weaver and his sister, Dulce (I took Spanish for some time and she is far from sweet- but I'm not gonna say anything)

OK so maybe it was more Candy than him, but it hurt because he's kinda sweet when she's not around.

Not that I like her brother or anything, But what if he wasn't related to her? -Whoa! where did that thought come from?

Anyway as I was saying....Candy is Evil reincarnated

I still have nightmares about that day...that day that she took things too far.Even if I or John try to forget it, we'll still have a scar on our arms from the bottom of our wrist to the elbow ( except his is in the opposite side). Because of that day I'm now deadly afraid of hospitals and am switching schools-I mean it's even in another city,she can't just follow me, right?

*************Author's Note***********

(~0)~'Thx for reading, Chapter 2 will come out shortly

........(..\0)- ~Are ya done yet?

I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN !! ~ \(>0<)9

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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