1 : school GORL

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drip drip drop. the sound of the grease dripping off my mothers extensions as she comes close to my door. "LIZ-AGNA GET UP RIGHT NOW YOU ARE VERY LATE!!!!!!!!" she shout.

i sighend. i hate school, but i have to bare with it as my mother will pour the hot wax on me again.

i get out of bed, i don't worry about my makeup; i slept in it.

i slip on my 20.1 inch black latex heels, something modest for a monday. i stumble out of my room and gravbe 1 (one) salami for breakfast. i walk out the door and shout "goodbye my italician mother i am going to head to school as of now." i sayd shoutingly,. "goodby" mom say, asnd then i walk outside. i much on the salami slice. it is mild, but still Delirious. 

as i walk i hear loud italian opera singing and a louds car enghine. i get immediate ptsd and curl up in the nearest bush.

the car drivens by, but as it does i look to see who it was. "my jesus..." is gasp say. "its Roberto Panini!" it is actually  Pannunzi but i say panini because thats good food. Roberto Pannunzi is a very hot daddy boy, who is a high scholol drop out but still comes to hang out with the other daddy boys. he is also a druglord drug mobster. i had a crush on him since my cousin married his sister, and he was at the wedding. we sometimes chat on Instant gram, but not in the real life. my, i sure would love for him to panini press me.

10 hours later

i get a call from panini. i answer quicker than justin trudeau can repeat his sentence in fRench. "henlo?" i greet. "hello Liz. it is i, tobreoto." what? what did he say? "what" i axe. "Roberto i meant XD" as u can tell his is under the influence of something. i gagle. "are you high my Pal." i cry inside, i pal zoned him. "anolk,m a bit" he answers. "what do u need" i ansk. "i just wanted to say hello, hello." he hangs up iimmedtaily. "how peculairly weird." i think. it sleep time


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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