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Okay, so originally I was going to finish Bard of Laketown before starting this but I was in a Sherlock mood. I just finished Season Three and am fairly certain that everyone has been experiencing some withdrawal. So, I just wrote this intro-thingy quickly so it will hopefully tide you over for a while!? -Natasha

I hold up my diploma, a smile threatening to pop my cheeks. The camera flashes numerous times, blinding me slightly. "Molly Hooper, I always knew you'd do it!"

"Thanks Mum." I tuck my long, light brown hair behind my ear and feel exhaustion coming over me in waves.

It is finished, these long nights at the University, staying up late just so I could be finished all those bloody assignments, sleepless weekends because I felt doubt as to if I could make this a career. However, it had all paid off. Graduating with honours, in one of the top schools in England, no less.

But my new life has just begun. In one week, St. Bartholomew's Hospital will have gained a new Specialist Registrar.

Me, Molly Hooper. I still remember the looks on Mum and Dad's faces when I told them, the day of my high school graduation, where I wanted to work.

I had been saying things like that since I was five years old, but it was treated as a childish dream. After all, who believes the words of such a small child?

And now, at age twenty-six, here I am.

Graduating, leaving home. My boxes are already at my new flat, just waiting for their contents to be unpacked and put on all their shelves and drawers.

I am starting a new chapter of my story.

Molly, Only Molly (Sherlolly)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat