the first day

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a/n: i just kind of describe it as the place she was in the first episode? also, i haven't read all the novels/manga, but i've seen all the song pvs and all of the anime so i guess it's enough to go off of? excuse any mistakes though. :(


she let go of the railing, and her brother watched as she was swallowed up by the snake. the wind rushed past her, and before she knew it she was somewhere else. 

exactly where she needed to be.

"why are you here?"

ayano turned around. azami walked up to her with an expressionless face.

"he wants all the snakes. it's august 15. he can't round them up if i'm here."

she smiled. 

"i wish i hadn't died. there were...things i still hadn't done."

"i feel the same way."

"and there was someone who's going to think i jumped off of the rooftop for a different reason."

"you didn't tell him about your plan?"

ayano sat down on the ground.

"no. i regret that."

azami followed, and looked out at the never-ending expansion of gears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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