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My name is Alexander, although everybody calls me Alex, or (like my user name here on Wattpad) Frappucino or Luigi.

 First of all I'd like to thank you for reading 'Ethereal Encounters: An Abyss of Poetry'.

It is my second collection of poems that I've been writing since late April 2012. 

 If you have already read my other collection, entitled 'A Spectrum of Anodyne Poetry', then you will have guessed that I'm a lover of Nature. 

 Almost all my poems in the first anthology are based on Nature and her exquisite phenomena. 

 This collection follows the same formula, but not only talking about Nature, but other topics that also  inspire me, such as: Dreams (also used in 'A Spectrum...'), psychology, geometry (which I am awful at, lol), people, personal relationships, animals and many others. 

 And so, I thank you again for choosing to read this collection of poems, and I hope that you enjoy them and that, in some way, they help you to realize the beauties of Nature and her wonders. 

 -Alexander Frattini (FrappucinoLuigi) 

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