First day

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Aqua's P.O.V

My name is Aqua,I am 16 years old and I am a mermaid. I have ginger ringlity hair all the way down to just above my butt. My 2 best friends are called Sky and Charlotte. They are both human. I go to school woth a pack of werewolfs that don't know about me being a mermaid. There are also some Vampires that don't know about my existence. This is my forst day at a nee school. But I already have Sky amd Charlotte as friends because I met them sgopping on Saturday

I walk into school with Charlotte amd Sky waiting for me inside, I stop dead in my tracks. There  is a new smell in the air. I look around trying to make it less obvious that I can smell them. But it is kinda of hard. I found the werewolf that it is coming from. He must be the sons alpha by the smell on him. He smells like power. Just great, 1 more person to hide from. I decide to make it so that he can't smell my sent. Some of the werewolfs start sniffing the air suttly.  Then his gaze lokes on me and he growls at me. So I turn around and start walking inside. I get inside when I am met by 1 of the werewolfs of the pack. I think that he was the second in comand. "Sorry" Then I walked roght past him.

I meet up with Charlotte and Sky and they came with me to the administration office to get mt time table. I only had English and Science without 1 of my 2 best and only friends. I had Science first. I walked in. My teacher just happened to ne the alpha of this pack, great. Just my luck. He saw my and said, "Ah, you must be our new student. Do you mind if the class ask you a few questions?" "Of course not." He made me stand at the front of the class.

After everyone had asked me questions I was told to sit with the alpha's son. I sat down and he asked me what my name was straight away. I told him that I wasn't going to tell him. So he looked away. A couple of seconds later he turned around and said that his name was Jake amd then he asked me what my name was, using his alpha voice. Whoch DOESN'T affect mermaids.

Jakes P.O.V

She didn't answer me the first time I asled for her name. So I turned round told her my name and asked her to give me her name. I used my alpha voice because she couldn't disabay my alpha voice. Not even people from my own pack. She answered me and said, "No." using my mind link, I talked to my first in command officer, Alex. 'I used  my alpha voice and she denied it, how can she do that?' 'I don't now, but we should talk to your dad about this.' Only then did I realise that my dad was trying to mind link me. Apparently my whole pack heard amd are trying to figure out how she didn't answer my alpha voice.

Aqua's P.O.V

The rest of the day went by really quickly, other than being goven wierd stars by other pack members amd Vampires. Word does spread fast around hear.

Once school had finished I went back to my car, got in it and was about to drive of. Whem suddenly Jake was at the door, great.  I wound down the window. Almost the whole pack of werewolfs were outside my car trying to figure out what I was. There noses were up in the air sniffing, so I decided to turn my sent of. SUCKERS

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