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Hey, everyone! I'm delighted to be sharing the following short story with you that I was commissioned to write by the upcoming Will (TNT TV series) campaign. (Because a drama about Will-freaking-Shakespeare?! How awesome is that?!)

The theme for the story—and the contest I hope you'll want to enter—is "overcoming the odds," and the story I wrote is actually a true one...based on my own life when I was trying to get my first book published. I've faced a great many obstacles in my life, but I thought this one was particularly pertinent because it's about writing, and because I know how hard it can be to pursue that dream. In truth, I'm hoping it inspires those of you who are struggling now to keep at it, to keep putting words on paper—because as you'll see from my story, sometimes it really is just about persistence.

And about keeping a sense of humour. ;)

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