The whole story

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The Prince and the Tomboy (sorry its so long just bare with it listen to song when its mentioned)

(Thanks for reading)

A young prince named Daniel sat in his room as he looked down at the busy streets of the town. He was tired of all the responsibilities he had, he was getting stressed. He let out a sigh as he kept looking down at the village.

Then there was a knock on the door,

"Come in." He said. A guard came wearing heavy metal armor,

"Your father wants talk to you." The guard said.

"Okay." He said the guard on the left and Daniel let out another sigh escape his lips.

I came into the throne room where his father was waitinghim,

"You called father?" He said.

Daniel tells of a princess standing there.

"If it comes to your marriage." He said his father,

"was married to Princess Elizabeth" continued his father.

Daniel did not bother to argue with the decision of his father.

"Ok." He said not to want to give much of an answer.

He decidedleave the castle some fresh air. He jumped on his horse and rode through the city. He stopped at the edge of town near the entrance toforest. He tied his horse to a branch of a tree and headed into the woods. Was quiet let out a deep breath. He gripped a branch climbing halfway up the tree before sitting on a sturdy branch. He felt relaxed now, suddenly, he heard rustling leaves. Someone walked toward him, he looked down and saw a woman walking through the woods wrapped.

She looked uphim, she had a smile on her face. "look stressed." Said the strange woman.

"Yes a little" he said be honest with her.

"I can help with that." She said.

"Seriously, how?" He asked Daniel jumping from the branch of a tree.

"I'll I can send to a world thatnot have the stress of being a prince." He said. "Really? Said

Yes only if you want too. "., She told him what she thought for a moment before making a decision

incredulously:".!" I will"he said the woman, she nodded head before getting closer to him.

"close your eyes." she said, closed his eyeshis vision become total darkness.

his body felt strange like I was floating. she opened her eyes and saw thatwas not in the woods . he was in a blue void, was floating slowly down and down. suddenly he was falling much faster, he began to panic. The heartbeat became faster and faster while still falling. Then, suddenly decelerated again. a hole began to form inside the vacuum could see a night sky filled with stars through the hole. he was attracted to the hole, as it became bigger and bigger. he reached his hand toward the hole was big enough now for himgo through. Suddenly a force pulled him toward the hole, once pulled through he fell again. He saw a forest beneath him, landed in a bush as he looked around. It was night,

"Where am I?" He muttered to himself. Buildings account then gave some distance. He decidedgo in that direction. Asapproached he was surprised what I saw. The buildings were like nothing I've seen before, her eyes were the size of dinner plates. He was confused and surprised by what he saw, everything was new to him. He thought of going further, he assured himself and stepped forward in the strange city.was not sure what this place was butwas confused. Once he was deeper into the strange place it was between two tall buildings. It was something I had never seen before. Suddenly, three pairs of feet stood behind him, turned and saw three men dressed strangely.

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