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"Sadie, what did I just say?" asked the middle aged women, slamming her hand onto Sadie's desk. The girl's almond coloured eyes snapped open as she sat up and looked around the classroom in a daze.

"Um, I can't quite recall, Miss Peters." she said in a quiet voice, regretting having gone to bed so late. She hadn't wanted to go to that party in the first place, but with pushy friends and a mother that practically pushed her out of the house to socialise, she hadn't had much choice. If she'd have had her way than she would've been home and in bed by nine-thirty, but, no, her mother refused to pick her up until eleven, claiming that she needed to be more 'normal'. What was normal about deafeningly loud music and sleepless nights Sadie didn't know.

The teacher sighed. "Please try to stay awake next time." she said, moving on to wake up the next sleeping student; a boy at the back of the classroom. Algebra had never exactly been an interesting subject, and with a class full of half-asleep kids she never had a chance of teaching them anything today. Miss Peters hated teaching teenagers first thing on a Monday morning.

She went on to set them some questions in their textbooks, even though she knew that hardly any of them would actually get answered. A few of the more eager kids started to jot down the fairly simple sums, whilst the rest of the class continued to either sleep or stare at the ever ticking clock. There were five minutes until the bell went for break, and Miss Peters herself was probably the most eager to get out.

The bell finally rang and most of the class dashed out of the small classroom, leaving those who were asleep to figure out where they were. Sadie was one of the last people out of the room, as always, and only fully woke up when she was met by a screech coming from her best friend, Scarlett Walsh.

"Oh my god Sade, did you hear that Tommy Green has finally dumped that Ashley chick?" she practically screamed into the girl's ear. Tommy Green was, in effect, the school's 'golden boy'. He was the football team's star player, the teachers' A-grade student, the girls' eye candy, and the boys' idol. He was, all in the all, the most cliché boy you could ever hope to meet. And if that wasn't bad enough, Sadie's best friend of ten years had a major crush on him.

"That's nice." Sadie replied, still too tired to care. Not that she would usually, but today she cared even less than usual.

"Ugh, you're no fun when you're tired." Scarlett moaned, rolling her large brown eyes. Scarlett was as energetic as her bright red hair suggested, seeming to not know the meaning of the word tired. Her dyed ketchup coloured locks flew over her eyes as she dragged her friend up the stairs to the school canteen. "Let's get some sugar in you."

They entered the crowded canteen and joined one of the rowdy queues. Break times were always the busiest, with students of various ages all desperate to get something to fuel their bodies for the rest of the day. The servers seemed to be robotic as they handed out cookies and cola in exchange for slightly sticky coins, the school's healthy eating scheme having failed miserably.

"Sade, look who it is!" whispered Scarlett, her voice high with excitement. Sadie turned to her left, following her friend's gaze, and saw none other than Tommy himself. She mentally rolled her eyes, unable to understand her friend's obsession with this boy. Tommy wasn't exactly a nice person. He had multiple personalities, yet only one was genuine and that one wasn't pleasant. When he wanted to be, he could be the sweetest boy alive, but then he could change and make your life a living hell. And Sadie had seen enough of him to know that the sweet side was purely for show.

As the queue moved slowly forwards, Scarlett's eyes were fixated purely on the laughing boy to her left. Tommy was surrounded by a group of people - as per usual - and appeared to be making crude jokes about his ex-girlfriend. He made a loud remark and the rest of the group burst out laughing, although only about half of them seemed to know why they were doing so.

Sadie sighed. She hadn't known much about Ashley Opal, she had never looked like the nicest girl to Sadie, and and she didn't know the details of their relationship, but she didn't deserve those cruel things that were being said about her. Just because Tommy was popular didn't give him the right to be a jerk, even though Sadie knew that many people disagreed with that. Including her own best friend.

"He is so freaking hot when he laughs." murmured Scarlett, dreamily brushing the wild curls out of her dazed eyes.

Sadie was about to give a less than enthusiastic reply when she was called to give her order.

"Um, I'll have a bottle of-"

She was rudely cut off by Scarlett. "She'll have a cola, please." she said, handing over Sadie's pound coin.

The lady serving them handed over the drink with a bored expression and called the next student up. They moved to the side out of the way before talking.

"Scar, I only wanted a water." said Sadie, sounding rather irritated.

"Yeah, yeah," Scarlett replied, brushing it off. "The sugar'll help you to wake up a bit.

Sadie rolled her eyes but opened the bottle none the less. The dark liquid fizzed up and squirted out of the bottle, spraying those around the shocked girl. Her eyes widened as she noticed a large spray hit Tommy's white designer shirt.

He turned around to glare out her. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You got my new shirt wet!"

One of his friends sniggered and made a 'that's what she said' joke, but soon shut up after Tommy shot him death glares.

Sadie looked at the plain white top, now complete with a dark brown patch. The only sign that it cost more than a bargain-bin shirt was the small logo in the upper corner. She didn't get why people spent so much for clothes that were as plain as anything apart from a tiny logo. In fact, she had cheered it up a bit.

"Hello? Earth to freak." said Tommy in an angry voice, rudely waving his arm in front of her face.

She blinked, before narrowing her eyes at him. "Well, excuse me for opening my drink." she said sarcastically. She hadn't wanted to rude, and this was very unlike the usually meek girl, but his rudeness had pushed her over the edge. "It's your own fault for wasting so much money on a piece of overpriced designer tat!"

He took a step forward, towering over her in all of his six-foot-one glory. Her petite five-foot-five frame looked tiny next to his muscular body as she took a small step back, his strong linx scent being way too close for comfort.

"Look here, Sally, I don't know who you think you are, but no one speaks to me like that."

"My name is Sadie." she said through gritted teeth.

"Do I look like I care?" he said with a scowl, rubbing at his shirt.

"Rubbing it will only make it worse." she said. She's been trying to be somewhat helpful, but it had sounded more mocking than anything.

He gave her a look that could turn milk sour, but stopped rubbing the stain nonetheless. "Thanks, Sadie," he said sarcastically. "I'll keep that in mind for the next time some dumb, clumsy chick spills something on me." And with that he walked off, presumably to clean his shirt, leaving Sadie to glare at his departing back.

"Sadie!" cried Scarlett, watching his back in horror. "What've you done?"

She knew that her suspicions about him had been right. The sweet side really was all for show. The real Tommy, the one underneath the smiles and innocent compliments, was about as sweet as a lemon.

And she'd just made him angry.


Just great.


a/n: hi guys.

I decided to attempt humour (and teen fiction) o-o

hopefully I didn't fail too badly..

feedback would be very much appreciated. don't worry, I'm friendly c:

p.s this will probably be somewhat cliché (damn) but I've got some ideas to make it less cliché and more unique.

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