Chapter 1

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Katherine's mother Jenn~ Kats 4

Today I was gonna take my baby kat to the park and one of my good friends asked me if I can take care of her kid to so of course I said yes.

I heard his name is hunter and he was a cute little kid so I was actually very much looking forward to this little play date kat doesn't really like to play with anyone so it's kinda sad to see her all alone so I'm hoping they can talk and be friends

"Kat! Are you ready now?"

I asked my beautiful daughter she's barely 4 so so she's pretty small but I did make her learn how to put on her shoes even through she SOMETIMES puts them the wrong way it's actually quite funny but I can't laugh at her cause then she gets mad and cry's so I just try and sound nice.

"Yes mommy I'm coming!"


"Sorry mommy."

Who does she think she is?
I'm waiting for Ashley to come out of her house so hunter can come with us. Kat was playing with one of her little puppy toys waiting as well. Until I saw Ashley and hunter coming out. I then looked at kat and said

"Look kat hunter! You better be nice to him okay baby?"

She then looked at him with interest and said

"Okay mommy. But is he gonna be nice to me?"

I then looked at hunter and said

"Hopefully. But you still need to be nice okay baby?"

"Yes mommy."

I then got out and smiled at Ashley and opened the door for hunter and he smiled at me

"Hi my names huner!"

I smiled aw he's adorable but he didn't say his name right like my baby kat

"Hi there my names jenn"

He smiled and I told him to go ahead and sit in the car and I then closed the door

I looked at Ashley and smiled as she smiled at me

"Hi jenn umm thank you so much for taking care of him it's just gonna be a really quick break and I promise I'll take care of kat if you would like me to as well"

I laughed

"It's okay ash I got it go ahead and sleep you look dead hun."

We both laughed and hugged and said our good byes.

Katherine's pov~

Hunter I guess came in the car and looked at me

"Hi I'm huner!"

I giggled

"Helloooooo I'm Katwherin but you can call me kat"

"Wait kat? Like kitty's! can I call you kitty pweaseeeeeeee?"

I giggled

"Yeah" I said and blushed

My mommy then came in the car and and checked if hunter was bucked right and we were off to the park

I laughed as I got off and went to the swing. I then saw hunter coming after me and I tilted my head and he smiled and said

"You look like a puppy when you do that"

I then laughed

"Your crazy!"

We both laughed

He then came in back of me and started to push me I laughed

"What are you doing?!"

He laughed

"I'm pushing you silly!"

I then saw a ice cream truck coming and I quickly told him to stop so I can go ask mommy for ice cream. I then ran to mommy and asked and she said yes and I went to hunter and asked if he would like ice cream

"Hey hunter do you want some ice cream?"

He smiled at me

"Ya I want ice cream please."

We then got our ice cream and sat on a side walk I then saw that he got chocolate while I got strawberry we were sitting there peacefully until a other little girl came up to us and sat on there other side of hunter and said

"Hi there"

Hunter smiled and I got mad no no no no he was suppose to be my friend my best friend

"Go away"

I yelled she looked at me and started crying I grabbed hunters hand and pulled him away he's my friend not hers

He then looked at me and smiled then laughed


I asked

"Why did you get mad kitty?"

"What are you talking about I didn't get mad"

"Yes you did your lying."

"No I'm not"

I then felt bad and went up to the little girl again

She looked at me and said and said

"What do you want"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get mad it's jwust he my beswt friend."

My bottom lip tremble,eyes watery

She looked at me and smiled

"It okay come on"

We then walked back to hunter and sat on either side I was on the right and she was on the left

"What's your name?" I asked

"Oh ya.. my name is Nina"

"Oh well I'm Katherine and this is hunter he's MY best friend. Right hunter?"

He then looked at me and smiled

"Ya we're best friends"

He said and then he hugged me and kissed my nose and giggled

Ok so this is a start pretty sure I'm horrible at this but I still just wanna try anyway please vote to let me know if you guys liked it comment if you would like to give your opinion it's okay I don't mind if you put hate comments I don't really care umm but if you did like it please let me know and I will love you forever ;)

Ps I cried at the ending

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