Recent Thoughts

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I see my problem every second of every day right in front of me. I feel, in a way, trapped. Like I'm a puppet, or a figure in a game to be toyed with constantly. In a way I'm constantly being toyed with from it. I try to do what I can to relax and meditate, drink tea and rest all I can. And it is all for nought. One sight, one tiny peep ruins all I tried to fight. Call it weakness, say I'm pathetic, but it's been bothering me for nearly a year and will bother me. I have almost ended my life once. I remember the words of "stop being so hard headed" and "grow up". All I can say is I'm slowly growing up and becoming less hard headed and accepting why some people do what they do. "Easy way out", it's not easy if you think about it. It's rather brave in a way. So I've been brave and dumb at the same time. But my problem will show me what I am soon. The brave idiot, or the baby genious.

If I was confusing through any of that which I probably was it's saying I've been thinking of suicide for a while now.

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