When we first met

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When I first came to the leaf village I was off in my own world because I was thinking about when the Akatsuki adopted me I was so happy to finally have a real family, someone who actually cares about me, and  I will never forget that day then Deidara and Sasori looked behind them to see who was stepping on their shoes ...oops my bad ...  and right after that I closed my eyes for a split second but when I opened them Deidei and Sasori were gone! So I said to myself maybe I could make some new friends and then go find Deidei and Sasori so I started to head to the park.

* time skip *

I was at the park and saw a group of ninja around my age so I went over and said hi and my name but when they heard my name they realized who I was and started to make fun of me witch hurt my feelings and then that's when I met him, Neji Hyuga
 he may have been i tad bit loud but he said just leave her alone. but then they replied to him with such a rude tone and manner why would you stick up for her you know she's part of the Akatsuki, right? She's nothing but a criminal! And that's when he said it the one thing I thought I would never hear from anyone that he doesn't care my heart was pounding and my powers were getting out of control! ...

To Be Continued...

authors note: I have corrected all grammar and made some changes to the

story and hope you really like it better now. bye bye until next time :)  

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