Pretty Little Liars. The Next Generation

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hello (:

this is the 2nd liars generation😋💕

so yeah just enjoy.👍❤️


chapter 1: Lily Cavanaugh

POV: lily cavanaugh


"Wake up sleepy head"

My mom, Spencer Hastings, slowly whispers into my ear

My mom goes downstairs as I start to get up. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. "Great" I mumble. My hair is a complete disaster.I get in the shower and let the warm water touch my naked body. I wash and rinse my hair and than get out. I walk into my room with a towel around my body. "How about this" I whisper to myself as I pull out a purple TankTop and some torn up blue jeans. I get dressed and go back into the bathroom to do my hair.

"BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ" My phone was ringing. It's a call from Alexa Rivers. One of my best friends. "Have you heard from Kierra" She grumbles into the phone. "No" I say back. "Kay well you wanna go to the brew before school starts?" She says. "I'd love to, I'll send out a text to the rest of the girls :* see you there"

I send a text to Kierra Fitz and Chelsea Fields. "meet at the brew before school? see you there

-xoxo lily" I send the text and than put my phone back to charge. I go to the bathroom and start blowdrying my hair. I curl my hair and than go back into my room. I grab my hot pink glitter wallet and my Prius car keys. I walk into dads and moms room and say goodbye. "love you" they both respond.

I leave the house and walk over to my car. I get in and start to drive. I than arrive at the brew and see the rest of the girls inside. I lock the door and head inside.




hey guys (:

I hope you liked it!💕

after 🔟 ten likes I'll write more


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