Wall maria has fallen

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Alex watched in horror has the 15m titan riped his mother apart in an explosion of blood and gore. alex picked up a metal rord a smashed it on the titan the titan stoped and looked at him with jack half-dead mother hanging out of its mouth and went to grab the alex but as the titans blood soaked fingers toached his pale skin a hirl of the titans blood came out of the back of its neck as a soldiers sword pierced its nape

the soldier grabed alex and went up to the roof with his ODM gear jack started to cry as he saw what happened to the city all he could see was people being eaten than the soldier said ''im taking you to the boats to get you out'' he started to run when a titans head turned and look at them and went to attack but the soldier jumped up and doged the titans arm the soldiers droped me and ran over to the titan and jumped on his face and stabbed his sword in the titans eye than he grabbed its hair and laped down on its nape and cut it open killing it the came back to the roof and took jack to the next street where a 3m titan was trying to get into a house with a screaming woman inside the soldier just ignored this and continued to running to the boats with alex on his back

when they got near the boats they saw a blond titan with a huge smile on his face with the body of a woman in its hand than he ate her a boy scream as he was carried away by another soldier


the soldier left alex on the boat as it started to move a huge titan covered in armor ran into wall maria making a whole in the wall people started to scream
wall maria had fallen...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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