Last One

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Well, this sucks.

Allow me to give you a not-so-quick summary of what's been going down. I, Uma, infiltrated Auradon by charming King Ben into taking me to the Royal Cotillion as his 'Lady of the Court.' That ultimately failed because his actual girlfriend and my nemesis, Mal, pulled the stupid 'True Love's Kiss' card and Beastie Boy loved her again. Long story short, we fought and I was captured.

Everyone, including me, wanted me locked up with no way out (If I was gonna be held hostage in Auradon, I didn't want to be around people). However, Mal requested that I not be thrown in a cell (what a saint!) but instead be given a chance to live a normal life in Auradon. Sound familiar?

My 'repentance offering' led to King Ben finishing his original Villain Kid Proclamation. "Any and all persons on the Isle of the Lost who do not possess a criminal record in The United States of Auradon may choose to leave the Isle to live in the U.S.A."

All of the Villain Kids left without a second thought.

The biggest doubt about this law was raised by the original four themselves. How do they make sure the parents don't make their children follow some elaborate scheme to free them (speaking from experience, I'm sure)? Well the first time this happened with those four, King Ben, a prince at the time, and a few others worked with the VKs individually to find them a purpose besides evil while they attended Auradon Prep. So, a bunch of volunteers did the same thing for all of the newcomers, and all of the young Islanders went to school like regular kids.

My situation was different. Yes, I went to Auradon-Waste-My-Time-Prep and yes, some people have tried to talk me out of evil, but here's a couple of discrepancies.

Number 1: Because I technically do have a criminal record in Auradon after sneaking off the Isle and using magic on the King, I had to be given a royal pardon.

Number 2: As a result of said criminal record, I'm under constant surveillance 24/7. I can't leave my dorm room unless I'm scheduled to, and a royal guard is always present at my dorm room door or inside of the classroom I'm in. Bonus! I'm the only person in all of my classes. Too dangerous for other students.

Number 3 (and this one's my favorite): Very few residents of Auradon Prep have the guts to be in the same room with me let alone talk to me. The only people who have given the whole 'Choose Good' lecture a shot were the four traitors, Fairy Godmother, and King Ben. I even got a visit from Ol' King Beast himself one time, but I zoned out through his whole 'Second Chances' speech.

Fast forward to right now. It's been roughly half a year since that dreadful night when all this started. I'm in Remedial Goodness class, Fairy Godmother is trying to teach conflict resolution, and I'm 110% not paying attention. I'm staring out the window with my head propped up on my hand, and my mind is filled with longing to run right through that window and bring misfortune to the first person I see.

"Uma.l Fairy Godmother's voice snatched my attention from my daydream, and I turned to face her. "What did we learn last week during our respect unit?" She paused, as if waiting for me to give her a response. I gave her an uninterested glare and quirked an eyebrow. Realizing I wasn't going to say anything, she cleared her throat and answered herself, "If someone is talking, listen with your ears, eyes, and mind."

I kept my face blank, and after another moment of silence, she turned back to her chalkboard to continue teaching. I went right back to staring out the window.

Right then, someone knocked on the door. Fairy Godmother granted them entrance, and in walked King Ben in all his suit-and-tie, royal family, prep boy glory. "Sorry to butt in, but do you mind if I have a moment alone with her?"

Fairy Godmother nodded with a quiet "Of course" and left the room. Ben walked over to the desk in front of me and leaned against it with his hands on the edge. I leaned back in my chair and looked up at him from underneath the edge of my tricorn hat. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Your Highness," I asked monotonously.

"Same reason why I always come here," he answered. "To offer you an incentive to choose good over evil." I snickered at his words, for they're the same words he'd been saying this whole time, just in different ways.

"And what could you possibly say this time that'll drag me into your world?" I droned with a roll of my eyes.

"Well, it's not just my world, Uma," he said earnestly, "The children of villains have accepted this place as their own."

"Every one of them is a traitor," I spat.

"Who are they betraying?" he challenged just as quickly. "Their parents?"

I paused. In my hesitation, he continued, "Their parents only want their children to free them for their own benefit, not for their kids. They made a decision long ago to be evil, but their children never got to choose. When given a choice, the other villain kids chose to find another purpose in their lives."

"You're point is?" I drawled. He was fighting an impossible battle, and I couldn't wait for the day when he finally gives up. The King sighed, crossed his arms over his chest.

"Did you know that you are the only villain child who hasn't found good?" he inquired.

"Good for me then." I had lost interest in this conversation at this point.

"Everyone you knew," he emphasized. "Your whole crew."

"As I said, they're all traitors," I reiterated as I leaned my folded hands on my desk. "I don't think you understand that I don't care about the others." And that was the truth. I didn't care for traitors. He had told me this whole "Last One" nonsense before, and I hadn't thought about any of them since.

A moment passed, and I held his steady gaze with my own. He stood up straight and walked towards the door. "There's someone here who wanted to see you," he told me.

I gave him a mock-impressed look and asked, "You found a volunteer brave enough to talk to me? Took ya long enough."

I was about to go back to looking out my window when I heard Ben tell the newcomer, "Come on in, Harry."

My first reaction was relief. Finally, another true villain who would never betray his evil roots. My longest friend and trusted first mate. What was Ben trying to accomplish here?

Then he actually walked in, and Ben's previous words finally processed in my head.

Everyone you knew. Your whole crew.

I don't know who walked in, but it wasn't Harry Hook.

Let me know what you guys think! I already have the story planned out, I just need to write it. It'll probably be 4-5 chapters long. Hope you liked it! :)

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