≈ Prologue ≈

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The outline of the violent trees flash before my eyes as I stumble around in the darkness, trying to survive the raging storm around me, and the rising threat of the mysterious figure haunting me. Another bolt of lightning strikes somewhere in the distance, illuminating my surroundings for a split second. The rain feels like tiny blades cutting my face as they hit my skin.

An invisible force grabs my shoulder, spinning my weak body to the right and throwing me to the ground. I throw my palms out in front of my falling body, but to my surprise they hit nothing, and my body just falls into the nothingness my life has become as I run from something that doesn't exist.......


@Lil-ole-nerd this book is for you! You've helped me so much during me making this book, thank you so much! Also thanks for making the description of the book! Go check her out everyone, show her some love! Thanks homie! =)

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