A Meowstic's Purpose

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" Meowstic, I'm sorry." 

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry.."

" I love you.."

The tears fell like waterfalls, as the meowstic ran deep into the world of the forest. Was this right? Was this okay? Was this the best thing to do? The tears stained her fur. She couldn't bare the thought of her being replaced. Her trainer, Axel , had accidentally encountered a Meowstic and threw a pokeball at her for fun. 

What was the worst what could've happened? She wasn't thinking straight.

The sadness got to her.

The trainer she previously loved..

Truly hadn't cared about her at all.

She closed her eyes, as the tears started to drop on the ground as the rain started to fall.

She couldn't see. Her eyes were blinded by the tears.

She bumped into a tree, as she fainted.

" I-I love you.."

"Hey, Cat Lady!"

Was there someone here? She swiftly jumped up, to see a Gengar staring at her. 

"Are you alone?"


"I said, are you alone?"


"I'll take that as a yes, now cmon!"

The gengar grabbed my paw and ran towards a table. I saw multiple other pokemon, including 3 trainers. One had honey blonde hair, fox ears, A t-shirt with flowers on it, a golden star necklace, purple and pink leggings, and cinnamon sandals. 

Another one had spiky hazel hair, glasses, a Hawaiian T-shirt, jean shorts that came along with white shoes, and a kitty hat.

The third one had darker brown hair, A shirt that went down to her knees, A jacket tied around her waist, an "I'M A SPY" hat, and ivory white Adidas. 

"Oh, Trickster, who is this?" The dark haired one asked the Gengar. He pointed at me while laughing with some tone of evil. 

The other trainers smiled at me, waving. Though a certain Espeon had caught my attention. He had a Sylveon sitting next to him while they ate Pokefood. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


(Sorry for the incredibly short chapter! I was super tired and it's like 3:00 over here? I'm heading to bed. Peace!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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