Comment who you are RPing

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- Hero Name
-Battle Class (Tank, Support, Offence, Defence)
-Relationship Status
-Who's in the relationship
-Crush (optional can be on someone in a Realationship)
-Theme song (optional)
- Quotes/Moto (optinal)
-Anything else

If you want you can play a hero already in ow

                     My OC
-Kutinai Optagao
-Pansexual  (attracted to all genders)
- she is of British descent but move to Tokyo after only being 2 months old. She has grown up in Tokyo culture. When she was only twelve omnic Uprising happened and her parents and best friend Danny were killed before her eyes she was taken in by Talon and brought to America. She was raped by three Talon members. She had become very angry and started take it out on Talon members and so they got angry and ended up putting her in a experiment turning her into a Neko she escaped and was found by OverWatch in a disheveled state. And was recruited.
- 1. Super speed she runs faster.
  2. She shapeshifts into any feline
-She turns into a giant red cat with yellow eyes killing any enemy with 2 hits
-Genji is her boyfriend  
-Black sweatshirt with white 404 on the front. Short jean shorts that arent viable under hoodie black and white converse. Black eyeshadow and fingernails. She always has her ipod
- Panic At The Disco, Kaliascope Eyes
-"Tomorrow is another day"
-ECT- Her eyes change color on how she is feeling.
  - yellow-Happy
  - red-angry
  -pink- lustful/lovey
She is depressed and is suicidal and emo her face bands are panic at the disco and green day she loves music. She hates being a neko and has cuts her arms when she gets depressed.
                Here is a pic

                Here is a pic

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