everyfin i luv a8out u

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Homestuck referances. BUt mostly its like....my life...with quirks.

Yeah i have no idea.

((seriously what happened? its like my brain exploded and splatter painted some of my ideas on this poor thing....))

So i guess there will be ghosts and stuff. Yeah...i know this is stupid but its gonna have weirdness and uh talking animals and random stuff ....i dont blame u if u hate it

I have now turned it into a story

This is no longer for amber, my girlfriend Angellica and i got together again so this is for her

and also for the non binary bro of mine!!! i luv u bro! <>

Hey derpy? *yeth?* why r we even bothering with this stupid thing? *.....shut up* its just a question * i would tell you to bite me but you might actually do it* hella yeah i would *you suck haley* not for free derpy *why are we so perverted and weird* your asking me? *no im asking gatorade!* really? *no you idjit!* dont yell at me *frak you!* not for free *when did you become a prostitue ohhhhhh!! do u want and icepack for that sick burn!! *no but maybe u need an ice pack for that bruise im about to give u and come on thats just cold! *so is my heart!* i cant disagree with that one *grrrrr* bad dog! *oh your going down* but i wanna go up *to bad* so sad  **high fives each other** heyderpy? *what haley* i wanna ask you something *yes* are you gonna tell them what the point of this is *your asking me that? for real* no its fake *like your brain?* hey! that not very nice *im not very nice* not gonna hear an argument from me *of course i wont* whats that supposed to mean? *oh nothing* hey! *hey did you guys hear something* ....um hey?! *strange where did haley go?* derpy!! im right here! *oh well lets get on without him!* HEY!!

*haley and i apologize for the epsiode of weird come backs up there okay im so sorry....but they were all funny* Yeah they were pretty funny who doesnt like a person who talks to themselves like that. *glares*

The thing below was inspired by love you [davejohn] on youtube its a music video that i loved. Credit to gyoukatsu hiina the person who made the video. /But the story is mine/


So uh..hey man....its um ya know been awhile since weve ya know talked together, i mean we have talked but not um, okay no uh how about this. Um okay im doing this im making this happen. Here i go....dont you hate how people seem to wait forever to talk, sorry im off track again, okay so ive been doing a lot of thinking. And not about school or fanfics OR anything like that, but you. I mean your my best bro and all, okay thats a dumb way to put it, not that you arent my friend or anything but i mean, i guess, well i mean i see you as more then just a friend and i dont mean family cause that would be ya know suuuuper hella awkward. I mean like...crap how should i get this done, its not like there is a friggin instruction manual for this! I guess its just like, when i see you i just wanna go over and like...you know just...to hell with it. When you hug me...its like, my whole world brightens up just to feel your arms around me. And i feel warm, loved, safe. And its like i never wanna let go, like i could have the most horrible day in history of crap that is my life, and your just there to help me with your happy smile, and its just like "Damn do you know how much i love your hugs?".  Your hugs make me really happy i mean, and im serious they make me so happy. And i mean, i like spending time with you just in general, i mean, who wouldnt wanna hang out with you but, i love my time with you.  And ya know..its kinda amazing to be honest, i mean your just so perfect and amazing, well your not like super perfect you got your bad things i mean sometimes you can be a bit of an assbutt , BUT im a dick in my own right so thats alright but your just amazing. i mean we work together so great! So you may not be PERFECT but damn girl?..you are perfect to me. And your smile? DOnt get me started on that. Its hard for me to stay serious when i see all of your teeth shining at me. And i mean your smile just is amazing but when its cause of me? Its the same with your laugh, i mean god damn, have mercy. Its like....well lets just say i havent heard anything better. And then there's your hair. I know ive given you crap about it at times, but honestly i love it. Its pretty flipping soft. And then your eyes? Dont get me started on that. Your eyes are like, i mean like someone call the police for missing persons or some shit cause im lost. And i know you think mine are pretty cool but goddamn bro..look in a friggin mirror dude. God have mercy. And damn your voice. Like a chorus of angels or something. All your kiddish excitment and hilarity and love all blended into words....you look so great when your happy, like i never wanna see you sad. And i mean come on i have eneough time to appreciate anything you get happy over.  But ya know when its cause of me? When its something i did to make you smile, make you show all those teeth (i love your smile dont worry)....the smiles you give me though, my heart goes real fast like "crap there goes my heart on a runaway train" And you know what? It makes me realize an important fact. I wanna spend my life with you. Every stupid crappy day of it ((Though it wouldnt be crappy with you)) I wannna wake up with you there beside me, and we can watch dumb movies together since you always make tehm so much better and when i make coffee youll be like "Haley coffee? really?" and ill just pour you some goddamn apple juice ((because knowing us well be fully stocked with apple juice)) I wanna walk in the rain with you i mean weve alwats love the rain and you might even bring an umbrella just join me, ill even sit in the goddamn cold just to wait for you, and ive done it whenever i wait for you to get to school ((always hated the cold)) and we could watch stars or something, though i cant promise i wont get distracted. And i mean i just never wanna friggin let go of you like ever.  And i know youve got your friends like izzy/lydia and all but i still want you, all of you to myself sometimes. So goddamnit i wanna kiss you. So uh yeah..you dont need to say anything, i just had to get that off my chest, and if you dont want me i can just ya know go.....forever?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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