Breaking Of A Heart

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Hey this is my first story that i am postin on to Wattpad! It basically a short story but please tell me what you think of it and if there any chance i could improve it!

Hope you enjoy it!

The Breaking of a heart

The air was humid. Kayla lay on her bed staring up at her ceiling. Her face looked tired but her eyes were wide and energetic. The first leaves were falling, showing the time of year. Kayla toss and turned frustratingly as she could not get her brain to shut of. If she had been looking out of the window she may have noticed a man dress from head to toe in black walking along the canal just outside of her apartment coming towards her path that leads to her building.

After another period of non sleep she got up to make herself a Latte, while she was pouring the hot milk she thought to herself " I wonder if this is the reason I can't get to sleep". While Kayla had her caffeine distraction she didn't see that man trying to get though the door without pressing any buttons on the entry panel by the front door.

Kayla looked at the time, it read 2am. She decided to do a ninja type of jump to get back into bed to waste some energy. She crawled on to the floor follow by a roly poly and then she did a triple back flip on to her bed cover with a red and white rose pattern duvet, out of breath but still not tired. The flats were quiet apart from the sounds of Beethoven coming from Kayla room and in that silence no one knew that a person was coming to kidnap Kayla because of something that was kept in her mind. Because, Kayla was a leading researcher in cancer treatments and tomorrow at 10am she will be telling the world how she will save millions of people from all kinds of cancer.

Just when Kayla was finally falling into that dark place called sleep to the sound of the music she found herself wide awake again with an awful feeling that something was wrong, she just tried to put it down to being nervous about the next day. She had had so many death threats over the past 10 years from people wanting her help to save their loved ones she never usually has problems sleeping. She had even had offers of police protection, but had always turn it down. Some how the man had got though the security doors. His mouth turned into a crooked smile. Fortunately Kayla live on the top floor, the man had to climb the 200 steps as the lift had broken down. It was now just after four.

The kidnapper must have been an athlete when he was younger, because he was on the top floor in 15 minutes flat.

In the kidnapper's mind his actions seem to have justification. He was a poor man who just wants to help his child who unfortunately has cancer. He feels trapped in a system that he cannot control and he doesn't know what to do next. He hopes capturing Kayla will enable him to be able to help his daughter before its too late.

He got to her door, number 657, and picked the lock - surprisingly easily for a 5 star protection rating. Within half a minute he was in. He started going though the flat room by room looking for the doctor. He was getting closer to Kayla who was now arm with a broom hiding under breakfast bar. He entered the kitchen, out of no where two cats came in and tried to trip him up.

The two cats were Kayla's, one was ginger called Tommy and the other was Midnight who has total black hair. They kept doing this to the man until eventually he fell onto a plate rack and broke a plate, her best set... just great. This is when Kayla took her courage in both hands with the broom and stood up and got ready to fight for her life.

The man struck out at her but she fought him off with the broom. But he kept defending himself. At one point Kayla thought to herself "his going to win, should I just give myself up?"

But she regained her focus and fought harder until she caught him with a glancing blow to the side of his head. This gave her the time to tie him up to a chair.

When he came to the questions started - " who are you?" " why are you here?" "how did you get in?"

Then Kayla let him answer " My name is Antony Cassidy, I came here to ask for your help, I need your help to save my daughter who is dying from cancer." Kayla heart dropped, he carried on.

"She is in the last stage and you are her last hope. Kayla was speechless.

" where is she" she eventually replied

"At the local hospital" he replied

At that precise moment his mobile went off. It was the hospital. Summer, his daughter hadn't made it. Antony just broke down and cried. Kayla didn't know what to do, but it convinced her that what spending the best part of her life locked away in one lab or another for more then half her life had been worth it. It had to be, so cases like these are the minority in the near future.

She helped the Antony to get to the hospital as he was in no fit state to get there on his own. He mumble though sobs that he was sorry to have disturbed her and stuff like that. Kayla just said don't worry about it, it would be our little secret. But as she got back into her car she felt a single teardrop running down her cheek.

But sitting in the car she could not bring herself to start the engine. She sat there for 10 minutes, at that point she open the door and walked back to the hospital to keep him company. She thought to herself "Who cares if I am late, I am the architecture of this discovery, from now on I am going to decide when and where I go and no one else.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 05, 2010 ⏰

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