A simple hello

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You were sitting in class once again, glancing out on the snow that seemed to be forever falling.

It was early January and the snow seemed like it was here to stay.

As you were doodling on your piece of paper your teacher came up to you "If you're going to draw instead of taking notes then I might as well take your pen away from you" so with your pen gone and the teacher, who had gone back to spouting nonsense, you looked out of the window once more and cupped your face with your hand, and inhaled and exiled the cold air.

 As if magic the window glass seemed to get colder as frost climbed it as if it was magic.

You watched in fascination, a look of amazement on your face. Your hand, as if it had a mind of it's own, reached for the window. What you weren't expecting as that it would be on the inside of the window. Your amazed exspression turned a little bit puzzled but you ignored the weirdness of it all. For no reason you started drawing small snowflakes on the frozen glass. Everyone else in the classroom seemed to have suddenly disappeared. 

Your mind only on the window.

Suddenly something even weirder happened.

An H appeared as if someone was writing on the window.



But how? Who?

You decided that the only way to get an awnser was to ask.

And thus you wrote 'who are you?' On the glass.

'Would you believe me if I told you that I'm Jack Frost?'

I'm going crazy, how am I writing with an invisible person

'Who's that?'

'That's me'

You stared at the words for about a minuite when two more appeared.

'Just believe'


I- I believe in Jack Frost

You tought while shutting your eyes tight.

You didn't think anything would happen but when you opened your eyes there was a- a boy? On the other side of the window.

He seemed very surprised, with his winter blue eyes widening.

You shrieked and pushed away from the window, falling on the ground.

"Mister (last name) if you really do not wish to be in this lessen that much you may leave and discuss it with the headmaster" mrs assholeorwhatever glared at you.

"Gladly" you told her and packed your things, slinging your bag over your shoulder you walked out, the school day was soon ending so you didn't bother to go to the headmaster at all, no you went home.

That boy, how had he appeared right in front of you without you noticing.

As you tought back on him, his icy blue eyes had seemed surprised when you saw him. As if he was used to people never seeing him.

Opening the doors to freedom, you were hit with an icy wind.

I wonder if he's still there?

Ok ok ok comment down below if you want more.

It was an idea that came to me a while back and I just had to write it but like should it be a series or just this?

Welp anyways have a nice night or day. Whatever I hope this cheered up your day if it was crappy.

A simple 'hello'Where stories live. Discover now