Chapter 1

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Down deep far into the dark forest lives a young vampire girl who knows never to come out into the world because of danger. All her life she would always tell herself to stay and always hide. Even if she dreams to come out and explore. But she stays hidden.

One day a little boy around her age comes into the forest with his dad to go hunting. But on accident the little boy wonders of. When he looks around he figures out that there may be someone there. Finally after looking and searching he finally finds her. In the dark behind a tree. He tries to talk to her but she doesn't speak. He asks her to come into the light but she still doesn't move. Not even a tad bit.

But then.........................

She slowly walks out and comes into the light. He is amazed of what beauty. Soon they start talking and asking each other questions...

"What is your name?" asks the little vampire girl
"My name is Jonathan" says the little boy
"And what is your name?" Asks Jonathan
" name Mavis" says the little vampire girl
"That is a pretty name" says Jonathan
"Thanks you" says Mavis
"Your welcome" says Jonathan
"I have a question" says Jonathan
"Why did you finally come out into the light from behind the tree?" asks Jonathan
"Ummm...well the truth is that it was.............

TRUST"says Mavis

"So what do you mean by trust?"asks Jonathan
"I mean that I had a feeling that I could trust you so that is why I came out of the dark and hiding" says Mavis
"Ohhhh" says Jonathan
"Um is that bad" asks Mavis
"N....No that is not bad at all."says Jonathan
"Oh okay good cause for a minute I thought that trust was bad" says Mavis
"Oh I am sorry for scaring you" says Jonathan
"It's okay" says Mavis

Wow surprising that the reason why she came out of her dark hiding spot was because of trust. Well let's see what happens next.😊

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