I: Handsome Prince

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Jimin's little hands stretched out towards his father, who smiled warmly in response, locking his much larger hands under the young one's arms and heaving him up to lay over his shoulder.

The family resided in the upper East side of Busan, where the autumn leaves were now whistling in a downward spiral towards the ground. Fall was Jiminie's second favorite season, save for spring, when everything that had been lost in the colder seasons returned for an encore.

"What's got you so excited?" His father asked, feeling his son wriggle in his arms. He loved to see him so happy.

Jimin giggled, drumming his fingers on his dad's back. "I get to see Hokie today!" A proud smile was plastered across his features, one his dad couldn't see, but could definitely feel.

Once he'd gotten past the initial surprise of his child having an invisible, constantly-giddy playmate, he'd soon found it to be one of the sweetest things that had come out of Jimin developing. It showed how imaginative he was, how happy he could be-- how even if he was alone, he could always be entertained. It made him glad to know that his son always had a mentor, even though he was imaginary.

He carried him out the back door of their flat, setting him down at the bottom of the cement steps before placing a pat on his head.

"You two play safe, okay? Make sure not to talk to strangers, and don't go to the marketplace." Jimin's gleaming, wide eyes made his heart swell even more, as they shone like his mother's. "Remember what mama says?"

Jimin stood straighter at that, almost prouder, reciting in his 'big' voice.

"Past the park is only trouble, leaving mommy makes it double."

"That's right," he cooed, shooing him off with a little laugh. He'd never understood his wife's tactics of parenting, due to the fact that he was gone at work most days, but he loved them no less. "Go on now, go get Hopie."

"Hokie!" Jimin corrected, as if the mistake made the meaning as different as apples to oranges.

The man just watched him patter off, his little head bobbing in and out of view from over the picket fence.

Jiminie's breaths made little dragon-puffs of smoke form in the air, and he ran faster, feeling like his legs were becoming wings. Maybe he could fly if he tried harder.

He'd been anticipating seeing Hokie all week, scribbling little pictures of his best friend in the meantime. The pictures that decorated his room weren't enough-- he just had to see him.

The neighbors' houses seemed to flow by like dried leaves down a stream, and Jimin was a fish racing against the current, smiling all the way. The park soon came into view, its yellow-and-white-themed slides and swing set making the boy want to scream.

So he did.

"Hokie!" He squeaked, nearly stumbling onto the dying grass as he sprinted towards the swing set. "Hobi, where are you?"

He skidded to a halt in the mulch, bright eyes scanning around the playground for his best friend. Seeing nothing, he began to tiptoe, a smirk dancing across his face at the thought that his friend was playing hide and seek.

"Oh, otay," he giggled, sneaking up the playground stairs and across the old, wooden bridge. "Where did you go?"

Soon enough, a glint of bright, caramel-colored hair met his searching gaze, sparkling from the sun. Jimin held back a giggle, making his way closer to the yellow tube slide.

A small, muffled laugh came from inside the slide, and Jimin dove for it, tumbling down the structure and into his beloved best friend.

"Ow!" Hobi grinned, tugging at Jimin's puffy jacket as they rolled down. He had on a hoodie himself, with a patterned scarf adorned carefully around his thin neck. He was a little older than Jimin-- by two years, actually-- but it never showed. If anything, his persona portrayed him as much younger than the boy.

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