Vampire knight kaname lemon

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Character: Kaname Kuran

Fandom: Vampire Knight

OC: Charmaine, petit, long white hair

Inspiration: A date gone awry...or that was what it was supposed to be, anyway. ^-^'

The room was silent, save for the breezy sound of a page turning. It was a dark, wintry evening. The snow was thick on the ground and the wind shattered against the outside of the dorm housing. The Night class was huddled up within said dorms. Rather than going to classes, they opted for a warmer, more pleasant way to spend the night. It was lucky that Headmaster Cross didn't mind.

Charmaine turned another page of her book, brown eyes scanning the words quickly. She was curled up on the cushioned window seat, head leaning against the dark glass as her long fingers grasped her book. The lights were dim and gave her just enough sight to interpret the words.

She pulled at the blanket laying over her in an offhanded, lazy manner. It was such a day that she enjoyed being alone. The other vampires would only annoy her. She felt perfectly content staying in her warm, quiet room. Unfortunately, though, it didn't stay quiet for very long.

Charmaine softly groaned, throwing a bookmark into the pages of her book and hopping off the window seat. She wrapped her blanket tighter around her and swiftly walked to her door, finally pulling it open. The man who'd been knocking was not someone she'd expected...but she didn't complain.

"Kaname!" a soft smile tugged at her mouth. He stood just beyond the threshold, peering at her from beneath long lashes. His eyes held a strange sort of emotion, but flooded with happiness as soon as their gazes caught. "I thought you were speaking with Headmaster Cross?"

He nodded, and she stepped aside to allow him entrance. The door was shut behind him. "I've just returned. Ichijo is wrapping it up." He turned to her, eyes quickly flashing over her form, and finally held his arms out to her. His invitation was rare, especially amid the recent hectic lifestyle the Night class had been balancing with. She smiled and walked into his embrace.

He smelled heavenly, like pine. She buried her face into his chest and inhaled, feeling her heartbeat slow as his soothing touch enveloped her. He brought her closer to him, pressing her against him, and she murmured, "I feel honored that you'd come to me before any other." There was only a slight hint of teasing in her voice, but Kaname was quick to pick up on it. A tiny grin flashed across his face, though she couldn't see. His grip tightened around her.

The relationship between the two vampires was different. Around the others, they were only acquaintances. She was not a pureblood, and therefore shouldn't have merited any concern of Kaname's. However, she had - she did - and so as soon as they found themselves alone, they changed from mere acquaintances to fierce lovers. It was the danger that followed their ties that kept their feelings so strong. That, and the excitement of the others company, the love of the others embrace, and the concern of the others well-being. Such things were felt when one was in love.

Charmaine was pleasantly surprised when Kaname began kissing her skin, moving his lips across the tender flesh of her shoulder. He didn't often partake in physical indulgences, because they seldom found time alone without it being suspicious, and so she reveled in the feelings he was quickly consuming her with. Her head tipped back in a satisfied way and his mouth converged on the newly revealed skin. His hands gripped her waist tighter.

"You don't have to be anywhere?" she wondered, knowing how busy his schedule normally was. The blanket dropped to the ground, exposing her limited clothing. A silk robe was wrapped around her body, and it was obvious that underneath, she was bare. Kaname seemed to like that thought. He pulled away to ravish her with his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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