Chapter 1/Prologue

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Not even a cricket chirp or an owl hoot disturbed the cool, night air of the realm of Artaxis. The moonlight shone down upon the earth from her seat in the heavens causing a blue light to cover forests to plains and swamps to deserts. The only exception to this was the High Mountains, who's tips are always shrouded in a magical mist, a constant reminder for Humans, Gyros and Half-Breeds alike of the barrier between their world, Aragath, the Mortal Territory, and Vicraxis, the Land of Dragons or, more commonly, 'the Land of Punishment'.

A small, blue, mouse like creature scuttled quickly from a holly bush, intent on reaching the safety of a juniper across a mossy clearing. The mammal had barely made it halfway when the crunching of metal through the undergrowth caused it to freeze, tiny heart beating insanely fast. It's wide eyes glanced around nervously while it's ears pinpointed the direction of the noise. The creature scurried twice as fast toward the juniper, reaching it just as an armoured knight proudly stepped through the holly bush the creature just left.

The Paladin's armour was a deep purple, close to black, accented with gold, and chipped in many places, as if it had seen a thousand battles. Clutched within the Knights gauntlets was an obsidian bladed, golden hilted greatsword.

He walked through the clearing and past the juniper, paying no mind to the creature curiously poking it's head out of the bushes. With each step he took his armour rattled, creating a large wall of sound.

The Knight continued walking, out of the forest and to the base of the high mountains where a large, black door stood, only a few meters higher than the tallest evergreen. He walked up to the door before immediately turning around and standing perfectly still.

The knight stood vigil there for the rest of the night, and the next day.

It was morning a few days later when he finally moved, and that was to increase his grip on his sword at the sound of large wingbeats. He scanned the sky, looking for the signs of any creatures. Nothing, until a pitch black dragon flew over the mountains, coming from the direction of Aragath.

As the beast landed in front of him, the knight relaxed his grip, knowing that there was only one dragon capable of crossing through the barrier.

"Aratosh," the dragons low voice cut through the silence as he dipped his head.

"Vyroxis," the knight rumbled deeply, returning the gesture,"What brings you to this side of the gate?"

Vyroxis' crimson eyes closed as he turned his neck, plucking something off his back. It was a large woven basket. The dragon placed it by Aratosh's feet.

"This is what brings me here," Vyroxis calmly moved into a lying position as the knight looked in.

Resting calmly in the basket, wrapped up snuggly in linen, was a golden eyed toddler. Red curls framed her face as she gazed up at Aratosh in wonder.

"I had some visitors through the night. A human couple.." Vyroxis stared down at the child,"Before I could complain they left me with her.."

Aratosh never drew his gaze away from the child,"And why would they do that?"

Vyroxis lifted a claw, removing linen from around the toddler, revealing a pair of stumped horns, leathery wings and a scaly tail,"She's a half-breed."

The knight immediately looked up to the dragon,"Why would you bring her here?"

"I sense something in her.." Vyroxis momentarily glanced to the sky,"Something greater than a mere half-breed.."

"Why here," Aratosh growled.

"I believe you would be a better carer for her," the Dragon nudged the basket closer, donning a sarcastic tone,"After all, I am a dragon, a ferocious beast feared by all! I'd eat the child before it had a chance to grow up good and proper!"

"And you believe the girl would be raised correctly here?" Aratosh tilted his head, if only slightly.

Vyroxis leaned down, placing his large head by the child's small form. She reached up, making grabby motions at the dragons snout.

"She will grow to be great," He looked back to Aratosh, eyes shining,"I can see it.."

The knight dipped his head,"I have trusted your judgement for centuries, I will not cease now."

"Good," The dragon rumbled as he slowly moved to his feet,"I must return to my post, I fear for what will happen if I remain here longer than necessary."

"By all means," Aratosh's gaze followed the beast as he spread his wings,"But does the child have a name...?"

"Hmm?" Vyroxis looked to him,"Of course, the humans called her Rosalith."

"Rosalith," Aratosh repeated, looking down at her, before looking back to Vyroxis,"Very well, Rosalith it is.."

Vyroxis let out a deep chuckle as he beat his wings,"This child will bring you more joy than you think.. Trust me."


Bells chimed throughout Auera, the capital of all of Aragath, as people swarmed through the streets, attempting to reach the gates of the castle located in the centre of the city. Xeno, the shining beacon of hope for the land and the home to the royal family. People chattered to each other excitedly as they barged past fellow residents of the city.The crowds halted at the gates, staring up at the balcony the king would step onto to announce the big news.

Trumpets blew, hushing the people into silence. As the instruments faded off, the king dressed in expensive red silk robes donned with emeralds, rubies and other precious gems.

"People of Auera!" The Kings voice boomed across the crowds,"I come bearing great news!"

Everyone remained silent, eager to hear the announcement.

"My wife, Queen Skye, has given birth," at the Kings voice, hushed whispers fell across the crowd about the gender of the child. They wanted to know if it would be heir to the throne or married off to another family.

"It was a healthy birth," The king continued, grinning widely,"I have now been blessed with two healthy twins!"

The crowd fell into a shocked state of silence. The birth of twins was an unusual, especially from the royal family. If the infants were both female, it could very well mean that the queen would have to keep birthing until she has a boy, in order to maintain the family bloodline.

There were a few more moments of silence before the king spoke again,"It is my pleasure to announce your new Prince and Princess!"

The queen walked out next to the king, handing him one of the babes.

"Princess Jasmine!" The king announced as he held up the child for all to see.

There was loud cheering of her name as Jasmine was welcomed to the world. As the noise died down, the king handed the child back to his wife and the King's brother, Prince Sholto came out holding another child, passing him to the king.

"And Prince Kirrian!"

The crowd's cheering became twice as loud, the prospect of having a strong male bloodline exciting them.

Everyone was so caught up they didn't notice the scowl crossing Sholto's face. Had the queen not given birth to a son, he would have become king after his older brother's demise. He span around, shouldering past the guard standing by the door before disappearing back into the castle.

The king did not care, he looked down at his son, sleeping peacefully. He smiled gently at the infant, deciding that in this moment, he could not be happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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