Chapter 1: prologue

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I'm getting ready. Packing my suitcase to go on tour with my band. It's been a while since i toured. After i had my kid, i didn't really feel like touring or even making music anymore. It had to do with my postpartum depression. I felt stuck in a never ending cycle of being someone's mother. And also, of being someone's wife. The world expected so much of me. Once i had my kid, no one treated me like me anymore. My parents started taking their distance. because they thought I wanted to be left alone. But in reality I didn't. I needed my mother, more than ever right after my daughter was born. But she chose to step out of my life. I haven't seen her ever since. My dad still talks to me every once in a while. But i'm still mother and fatherless.  

My husband started ignoring me after our daughter was born. He never got up at night when the baby was screaming endlessly. He never changed her diaper. He never took her to the doctor. I did all of that. He was just always there. Staring at me from a distance. We weren't even physical anymore after i had my kid. I'm sure he cheated on me every once In a while because no guy can keep it in their pants that long. I never asked, though. I just knew. And when a woman knows, she knows. Because not only he never touched me romantically. He also started acting all strange around me. And that made the depression even worse. This all happened the first year our daughter Julia was born. We got through it. We went to endless therapy sessions together. And one particular session changed everything for us as husband and wife. But also as a family.

I can't say I'm the happiest girl alive. But we're in a good place, finally.
I feel like i can breathe the fine air again. Now that my daughter is 5 years old, i decided it was about time to finally get back together with my band. We haven't seen each other in years. Now it's finally time to do what i was born to do. Make music.


I couldn't be more relieved to go on tour with Stricken again. I missed those guys. All these years i toured and toured. After our last tour, I just knew that our hiatus would take long. I'm so happy our band is back together. The real reason why i want to leave is because my wife is driving me crazy. She's going through some issues i guess. She wants a baby! Can you believe it? I'm 34 years old. She's 33. & she wants a baby? Our son is 15 years old.
I told her I didn't want any more kids. One was fine with me. Also, because when we were younger, we had our son too soon. She was only 18 years old at the time and I was 19. I guess I was a wild teen. I got her pregnant after only one time having sex with her. We were drunk at a party and I couldn't keep it in my pants. My parents and her parents forced us to get married. After my son was born and after our wedding. I got so focused on making music. My wife always wanted more kids. I didn't want to give her any. Not that I didn't want a baby. A daughter even? But I just didn't want to go through my teenage years again. Touring and making music is the one thing i always loved and i will always love to do. This band means the world to me. I helped building it up. Creating a name for our band. This band is my second baby. 


So, this was a quick first chapter of this new book. Please stay to read the rest of the story. I promise it will be worth your times! I wanted to write the prologue in the main characters POV of how their lives are, and how different their situations are.

thanks for reading! Means a lot

See you soon with TSLOTAT & this story!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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