prologue: get a fucking room

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so you're gonna see a load of fluffy joger in this chapter (read description) but i promise you that this is a predominantly froger book & after the first few chapters you will get what you came for.

John is here.

He holds a glass against his lips and gulps down the remains of his drink. I make sure he's in the centre of my gaze. I enjoy watching him when he's happy. His eyes are half open; unaware of anything around him except the lack of liquid left in his glass. I, too have almost finished my drink but I'm reluctant to buy more. My head's beginning to hurt a bit and the world has gone fuzzy around the edges of my vision.

"Roger, do you want any more?" John doesn't have a particularly deep voice. It's not high either, unlike my own. Hearing him speak is just pleasant in every way possible- or maybe that's the alcohol invading my system. I'm not normally this romantic.

John stands up, clutching his glass like it's the most precious thing he owns. "No," I reply, hearing my voice crack. It sounds like I'm about to burst into tears, but I don't feel particularly sad and although I don't find this funny, it seems to be the highlight of John's day.

"Ha, are you sure you're not a girl, Roggie?" When he smiles wide enough, a dimple forms on either side of his mouth. I like this about John. It makes him look almost innocent.

I smile and realise I should stop drinking so heavily. It turns me soft. "Maybe we should call it a night?" I suggest as John begins to sway. I know that if I let him continue I'll be rubbing his back whilst his head is buried deep in the toilet and he's crying, promising himself that he'll never let alcohol touch his lips again.

"You're no fun, babe," he winks at me and I shake my head, being referred to as 'babe' not annoying me half as much as it would if I were sober. "One more drink. C'mon," I just shrug, deciding to cling onto these precious happy moments for a little longer.

It's not that we don't have a good relationship. When we're together I couldn't be happier. We have great laughs, great sex and I enjoy most of the things we do with each other. But it's the lack of commitment; I'm always sleeping or working and John can't keep a job or get a good night's sleep to save his life. The amount of time we do spend together is barely anything.

"Roger I got you one too," he sloppily places two glasses on the table. One in front of me and the other opposite. He sits back in his seat and points to mine. "See!" He's acting like a child that's just painted a picture that they're proud of.

"Yes," I say, "I can see very clearly."

"Well why don't you drink it?" I now notice that he's already downed half of his and is expecting me to do the same. He looks at me expectantly and I notice a wet patch above his top lip.

"Because I don't want to be throwing up at three o'clock this morning... dunno about you, though."

John doesn't look upset by my harsh remark. In fact, I don't even think he's heard me. He yawns and complains that he's tired, calling me every name under the sun until I allow him to rest his head on my shoulder. He heaves his body out of the chair and grips the table as he makes his way round to my seat. I manage to prepare myself before he flops down on my lap, his whole body weight depending on my two legs and the rickety chair beneath them. I cradle him in my arms and kiss his cheek gently. There are other people around us and I am aware that some of them are staring. Others won't be bothered, but there's always someone who has to voice their opinion.

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