Interviewing Cupcake

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Me: Hello, Cupcake! My name is William, and I will be interviewing you today!

Cupcake: Hi, William! It's a pleasure, sugar!

Me: Wow! You look so good! I love your loafers! And the fact that you're dressed in all black! Black dress, and black nylons!

Cupcake: Aw, thanks, William! That was very kind of you to say that! *kisses me on my cheek*

Me: No problem, Cupcake! Is there you need to drink?

Cupcake: Do you have chocolate milk?

Me: Matter of fact, I have some chocolate syrup, and some milk. I'll make you some chocolate milk, okay?

Cupcake: Yay!

Me: *opens fridge to get milk and chocolate syrup out, pours milk into glass, puts syrup into the milk, and stirs it with a spoon* Here ya go, Cupcake! *hands glass of chocolate milk to Cupcake*

Cupcake: Aw, thanks, sugar! Can I have a straw please?

Me: Of course! *gives a straw to Cupcake* There ya go.

Cupcake: Thank you, sweetie! *drinks chocolate milk through straw*

Me: No problem! Question 1. What is your real name?

Cupcake: Sherry Rayley, but I prefer to be called Cupcake.

Me: Makes sense! Question 2. Where and when were you born?

Cupcake: May 17th, 1975, in Newport, Rhode Island.

Me: Question 3. How old are you?

Cupcake: 42.

Me: Question 4. What is your hair color?

Cupcake: Blonde.

Me: Question 5. What is your eye color?

Cupcake: Blue.

Me: Question 6. Who are your parents?

Cupcake: Susan, and Frank.

Me: Question 7. Any brothers or sisters?

Cupcake: Yes, I have two older brothers. They are Andrew and James. I am the youngest sibling in the family.

Me: Question 8. Who are your friends?

Cupcake: *now sitting cross legged* John, David, Margaret, and Tracey.

Me: Question 9. What is your favorite food?

Cupcake: Pizza with sausage and bacon! Yum!

Me: Question 10. What is your favorite beverage?

Cupcake: Chocolate milk! *continues drinking chocolate milk*

Me: Question 11. Where are you currently living?

Cupcake: Brownville, Rhode Island. I live in a private mansion, not open to the public. Only my friends can gain access. I call my mansion my house of love.

Me: Question 12. Why do you call your mansion a house of love?

Cupcake: Because I provide love and comfort to my friends in their time of need. I let my friends squeeze my lips. In my house of love, they are more than welcome to do whatever they want with me. *smiles*

Me: How sweet! Question 13. Do you have any enemies?

Cupcake: Yes. His name is Angel Garcia. He's not very kind at all.

Me: Question 14. Is Angel allowed in your mansion?

Cupcake: No he's not. I only let kind people in. Not unkind people.

Me: I agree. Would you let me visit you in your mansion?

Cupcake: Sure! You seem like a cool dude, so why not?

Me: Whoo hoo! Can I have your address, please? *smiles big*

Cupcake: I'll give it to you when you're done interviewing me, okay, sugar? *smiles*

Me: Okay thanks, Cupcake!

Cupcake: You're welcome, honey!

Me: Question 15. Any talents?

Cupcake: Whistling, and playing piano.

Me: Fabulous! Question 16. What are your likes?

Cupcake: Jokes, funny movies, snow, jazz music, playing my piano, and cheering my friends up.

Me: Question 17. What are your dislikes?

Cupcake: Rude people, guns, bullies, liars, stealing, fights, and war.

Me: Question 18: Any health problems?

Cupcake: Nope. I'm a very healthy lady.  *smiles*

Me: Good to hear! *thumbs up* Question 19. What is your style of clothing? How do you dress?

Cupcake: I usually wear a black dress, black nylons, and brown loafers. That's just my style.

Me: Nothing wrong with that! Question 20. What year did you graduate from high school?

Cupcake: 1993.

Me: Awesome! Question 21. Do you go to church?

Cupcake: Yes, I attend Brownville Victory Church in Brownville, Rhode Island.

Me: Nice. Question 22. Do you have a punching bag?

Cupcake: Yes I do! I punch it just for fun though. Not really for anger.

Me: I have one too, and I do the same as well. Question 23. Do you wear jeans at all?

Cupcake: Sometimes. But not that often.

Me: Question 24. Do you have a butler in your mansion?

Cupcake: Yes! His name is Mr. Nickleworth. His first name is Harold. He is in charge of serving the food, and making sure that no trespassers are invading my mansion.

Me: Excellent! Last question. Question 25. Do you like alligators?

Cupcake: Yup! They're pretty cool! Even if they're dead! *giggles*

Me: *chuckles* Well, Cupcake, it was a pleasure interviewing you! *shakes her hand*

Cupcake: Thank you so much, William! You're very kind!

Me: Ooh can I have your address, please?

Cupcake Of course! Got a pen and paper?

Me: Yes, hang on a sec.

Cupcake: Okay. *waits*

Me: *paper and pen in hand* Okay I'm ready.

Cupcake: It's 3138 Ginger Rd, Brownville, Rhode Island, 02135.

Me: *writes the address down* Got it! Thanks, honey!

Cupcake: Of course! I would love for you to come visit me! I am having a big Halloween party in October!

Me: Ooh can I come to that?!

Cupcake: You sure can, sugar!

Me: Whoo hoo! What is the date for it?

Cupcake: October 31st from 6 pm to 10 pm.

Me: Got it! Can I have your phone number too, please?

Cupcake: Sure, sugar! It's 401-347-7386.

Me: *writes her number down* Thanks so much, Cupcake!

Cupcake: No problem, dude! It was a pleasure meeting you, William! How about a hug before I go?

Me: Yeah!

Cupcake: *hugs me so tight* I love you, William!

Me: I love you too, Cupcake!

Cupcake: Bye, sugar! I hope to see you real soon! *blows me a kiss and leaves*

Me: Me too, dollface! Bye! *waves*

My Interview With CupcakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ