~The Author~

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Hi! So before we get this started I'll tell you a few things about me.

Name: Whitney

Nickname: Winter

Height: 5'2 1/4 (the 1/4 matters. Believe me)

Favorite Color: Aqua Marine Sapphire Blue

Least favorite color: the mixture of neon green and neon yellow

Favorite Food: ...how could I choose??? spaghetti

Favorite show: Doctor Who/Sherlock

Least Favorite Show: Supergirl (sorry)

Most Underrated Anime: Kenka Banchou Otome (seriously it's amazing)

Most Overrated Anime: Naruto (sorry)

Favorite Musical: Dear Evan Hansen

Least Favorite Musical: Be More Chill

Favorite Song: right now it's Rat A Tat by Fall Out Boy

Least Favorite Song: Despacito (not sorry)

Anything Else?:  Yes, I am a choir kid and theatre kid, I have a fear of revolving doors, that fear is called Orbitagoraphobia, my best friend and I are interesting, and Sebastian Stan is my favorite actor


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