Story 1: Thats not me!

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I woke up from a frightening nightmare. Sweat was pouring down my face like rain against a window. My heart was beating out of my chest, but that didn't mean I could stay home, unfortunately. I slide out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I see my mom making breakfast for the two of us. My dad was on a business trip and my baby brother, well he stays home.
"Good morning mom" ,I say.
"Good morning ho-", as she turns around, she glances me up and down,
"Oh honey, you look terrible"! She states.
"Wow thanks mom"
"I mean in a sick way, hun" she giggles
"Oh ok"
"You can stay home if you don't feel that well"
"Yeah of course! I wouldn't want you going to school and not feeling your best"
"Thanks mom"
"I'm off from work today anyways so I'll make sure you get what you will need"
I walk to my room and plop myself onto my bed.
                  *****a few hours later****
Mom's POV:
I was sitting on the couch watching T.V when I hear this ear splitting bang on the door. I get up and open the door. I see my daughter standing there, motionless.
"Oh honey I thought you weren't going to school today"?
I got no answer. She just stood there, staring me down.
(back to daughters POV)
I wake up to loud banging to the front door leading to my house. I didn't feel like getting up, but when I hear talking, I get out of bed and walk out to see what it was about. I see my mom talking to someone at the door, but her body is covering the person so I can't make out to who it was. I take a few steps more. My mom turns around and looks at me with fright in her eyes. I see ME standing threw the doorway.
"MOM, THATS NOT ME"! I scream.

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