Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart beat wildly in my chest, almost to the point of pain. I had no idea where the pain began nor ended. Maybe the pain generated from the thumping organ inside my chest. I could feel each beat in my rib cage as my thick, dark, red blood flowed through my body.

Thump. Thump. Thump

My body roughly rolled against metal as the vehicle turned sharply around a corner. The force caused my head to thunk against the cold metal. It caused the pounding within my skull to skyrocket. I don't think it could hurt anymore, as it already felt as though my skull was going to explode.

I had no clue where I was. I couldn't recall how I got in this predicament at the moment. Was I possibly just dreaming? It wasn't possible to simply be still asleep through all this banging and thumping around.

The scratchy blindfold that was tied too tight blocked out all light. I was sure it was dark outside, even as the material forced my eyes to stay closed. My hands were bound by something rough, digging into my wrists behind me. My shoulders cried out in pain from the position. Was it necessary to be tied up in such a way?

There was no possible way of escaping, even if I could get my body to sit up, let alone move. I felt weak as if I had just gotten over the worst case of flu known to mankind. My mouth was dry as a desert, my head pounded as if there was a hammer inside. I was as confused as I ever had been in my life.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The last thing I could remember was being at a friend's house. We had stayed up late watching a movie that we had seen countless times before. Her parents went out to dinner, knowing that we wouldn't dare cause any trouble. We never did.

While we sat on the floor at the end of her bed, we ate organic popcorn and drank bottled water. It wasn't often I was allowed to stay the night while her parents were out on a date, but my parents had gone out of town for a week. I thought it would be fine, and that my parents would feel better knowing I wasn't home alone on a dark rainy night.

After the late movie, we went to bed like any other night. We talked about the 'what ifs' of life. We both knew, but never spoke about what would come. It was how our lives had been planned out from the day we were born into this life.

We were born to two sets of parents that controlled everything. From the way we dressed, to what we ate, and who we talked to. Though Becca's parents weren't as strict as my own. She was allowed to have her black hair cut shorter than what my parents ever deemed respectful. Her eyes hid secrets, even as she promised to keep me up to date on her ideas. She wanted out of this life; I knew that. She hated being controlled, and she was searching for a way out. I just had no idea what that was; she refused to tell me.

She hated the idea that we would both be married off to whomever our fathers deemed worthy. I feared more than she did about being shipped off to some other country because my father thought that was best for me. It wasn't. I didn't want to go anywhere. I also didn't want to stay where I was, either.

Becca knew something that I didn't, and she hid it well. No matter how much I pushed, she refused to budge. I just knew something was up.

I had just begun to drift off to sleep when I heard a door open and close downstairs. That small squeak was always noticeable. I swear that Mr. Wrights put it there on purpose to catch Becca sneaking out. I thought nothing of it, assuming it was Becca's parents arriving back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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