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The sharp morning rays from the bright, yellow sun blinded me as I peeked open my eyes. Today was sunday, and also another date with my boyfriend of 3 years, Ian. He was taking me to my favorite little diner off the highway that sell the best burgers and fries I've ever had. I shifted around and stretched before throwing off my light blanket and setting my small feet on the cool, wood floor. I yawned one more time and got up slowly. After dragging myself to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, showered, and washed my face before applying a tad bit of makeup and changing my clothes to a beautiful navy, strapless, floral romper that I had just bought for this date. I quickly texted my best friend, Alana Wes, to come over before my date later on so we could chill for a bit. She instantly replied, telling me she'd be over in 15, which gave me time to go downstairs and have some breakfast. I slumped down the stairs and once in the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of fresh lemonade and a muffin from the basket of pastries on the counter. Both my parents were out of the country for a business trip and meetings for a couple weeks, which meant the house was scary quiet and boring. I almost had a heart attack as someone knocked loudly on the door. I sighed, knowing it was probably Alana and ran over to open it. I open it quickly and she jump-hugged me instantly.

"Hi." She whispered as we both giggled.

"Hello there." I waved as she smirked. We went back up to my room and turned on some rap music and danced around until we were both panting, out of breath. I checked the time on my watch and panicked.

"Ian is gonna be here in 7 minutes!" I said, running to the bathroom to check the little amount of makeup I had put on. Madison laughed and said goodbye and goodluck to me as she left to go see her boyfriend, Calum Thomas. I finished with my makeup and heard a honk outside. I grabbed my purse and hopped downstairs and out the door, locking it behind me. I opened the car door of the sleek, black mustang and slid into the passenger's side.

"Ready?" Ian asked, grinning at me. I smiled just as big and nodded. The car ride was fun, we sang loudly and obnoxiously to the loud music blasting from the radio. We turned down the music as we arrived at the diner. Ian opened my door for me and took my hand, leading me inside. Once inside, we seated ourselves as usual and Ian started looking over the menu. I always got the same thing, double bacon cheeseburger with extra fries, yummy. The red booths were cracked and breaking, but I still loved them, as well as the dirty tile floor that somehow still shined in the light. I sighed as I looked around, feeling so comfortable in my favorite diner with my favorite person. Soon, the waiter, or should I say the bad boy of Brighton High School, Lincoln Cooper, came over to take out order.

"I didn't know you worker here?" I asked, sending him a small smile as Ian looked annoyed that I was talking to Lincoln.

"Yep, just started working here about a week ago." He said, almost emotionless. I nodded as Ian started ordering. We finished our order, Lincoln left to go make it, and Ian and I sat quietly. I could tell Ian was annoying I talked to Lincoln. I never knew the reason, but Ian hated Lincoln with all his heart, and Ian got mad over nothing pretty easily.

"I can't believe you talked to him, have I not made it clear that I hate him!" Ian harshly whispered at me. I shrugged.

"It's not that big of a deal, babe, come on." I said, dragging on my words. I regretted speaking once I saw his face and how pissed off he was now. Ian could be bipolar and got mad over anything, which sometimes I disliked.

"So, you don't care about what I think? What I feel?" He spat. I gawked at him.

"I never said that! Where did you even get that from?!" I screeched. He shook his head and got up from the creaking booth and walked out, he just walked out on our date. I took a deep breath, and walked after him.

"Ian? Ian! Are you serious?" I asked, gasped at him. He spun around and took large steps towards me, a death glare on his face.

"Are YOU serious?" He asked. I tried to put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down, but he shoved me away. This wasn't the first time he had shoved me, but it still took me by surprised.

"Ian!" I yelled, gaining my balance back. He spun around once again and didn't hesitate to raise his right hand, and hit me right across my face. My face stung as my eyes welled with tears. Even through the blurriness of water, I saw Ian getting into his black mustang, and speeding away from me. I let the tears fall as I held a hand to my probably red face. I heard quick footsteps coming towards me and I fell onto my knees in sadness. I didn't mean to make him so angry. He's hit me before, but not for a while, I thought he had changed, but I guess not. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone call my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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