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     Esperer Pure Flamme is a somewhat shy, timid girl. She is as pure as you can get, and also very naíve. When she wants to be ,she's a little spit-fire and, like her parents, she is headstrong and hopeful.

      Her mother is home-schooling her while her dad works as a camera-man on American Idol.

        Esperer has a beautiful voice. She doesn't sing much but when she does, its either on a SUUUPER special occasion or when someone is hurt, which is really rare.

         People say that they are drawn to her voice like a moth to a flame. Her parents would always say that she is the perfect child, but we all know that nobody's perfect.

         When Esperer looses a bet, she has to sign up for American Idol. Look out world cause here Esperer comes. Will she become a rising star? Will the pressure of competition, secrets, and judges get to her? Or will she give American Idol a Breakthrough, especially with a secret of her own?

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