Warm and cozy

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I woke up to smoke in my face, and as I fanned it from my face, I came face to face with a white, blue and red dragon. "Ugh Smokey you know I  prefer to wake up to clear air!" I groggily murmured as I got up and bushed the h/c (hair color) hair out of my face, Smokescreen following me like a puppy. I gabbed my favorite f/c (favorite color) long sleeve shirt, a pair of jeans, and socks; and ran to the bathroom to change and get ready for the day.

To catch you up on my life, i eventually took the team into my home when the cold came. They fit nicely into my warm home, considering they are the size of big dogs. They sleep on the floor where they wish, as long as they stay out of my way. I have rules of no stealing food that I don't give them (Bulkhead tends to get into the cookies) , no catching my house on fire, and no smoke breaths unless outside or I allow it. The team took awhile to adjust to my rules, but they ended up like my big dogs... well Arcee is more of a regular dog.

I stepped out onto the carpeted hallway floor, and smiled in its warmth compared to the tile. It was winter, and things were getting chilly and festive. I grabbed the lighter, and lit the fireplace. While the team slept (well Smokescreen tends to be an early riser with me), I boiled water for the team, in which Smokescreen loves to be first, and poured them into their bowls ( yes I bought each of them bowls for food and water, like I said, their like my dogs!). I sat down on the floor near the fire with my h/d (hot drink), and chuckled at smokescreen's expressions to the hot water. Around 8:00 AM, most of the team came in, in which I greeted them with 'good morning'. Around 10:00 AM, Bulkhead waddled in, yawning and stretching. After drinking his share of hot water, he plopped down right next to me. I patted him, and stood up, only to be greeted by a whine. "I know Bulkhead, but I've got work to do. Wake up when I do, kay big guy?" I replied,only to be followed by a grunt.

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