Chapter 1

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                     "Now you’re gone
                       But I’ll be okay
                  Your hot whisky eyes
                 Have fanned the flames
    Maybe I’ll burn a little brighter tonight
       Let the fire breathe me back to life"

I tapped my foot anxiously, staring out the glass of the telephone booth.

"C'mon. Pick up," I frantically whispered, my heart pounding. As the ringing continued, I took a glance around me, hoping He hasn't found me yet.  When there was a small hello on the other end, I nearly died of relief.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you answered,"

"Who is this?" the voice on the other end sounded different from the last time we spoke.

"It's me, Kace. Please tell me you remember me," I took another glance around me, my fear slowly escalating from being in one spot for too long. The person on the other end was silent for a little, trying to remember.

"Who...wait...Kacey Walters?"

"Yes yes. Look, I need your help. I'm in trouble and I need a place to stay," I spoke fast, ready to get out of there.

"Kacey, what kind of trouble are you talking about?"

"I don't have time to explain right now! So can I or can I not stay at your place," he sighed.o

"How urgent?"

"Very. Like, life or death urgent," another sigh.

"Now's not the best time, but you can stay. At least for a little while." relief washed through me when he said that. I smiled and looked up, as if to say 'Thanks God'. He gave me the address and I wrote it down on a piece of paper I ripped off the phone book.

"Thank you. I'll be there soon," we said our goodbyes and I hung up. I wasn't too far from the address. Making sure I have everything, I glanced around one more time before darting out of the telephone booth and went to catch a cab. All I had with me was thirty dollars, a small bag filled with little clothes, and the clothes on my right now.

Puddles sat on the road and sidewalk from rain earlier that day. My black high top Converse splashed through the puddles as I ran down the sidewalk, pushing past people and searching for an empty cab.

Finally finding one, I hailed it over and gladly slid into the back seat. Giving the driver the address, I sat back and relaxed for the first time in weeks. Watching the skyscrapers go past, I thought about how I got in this position. Its my own stupid mistake. Now it might be the last mistake I make.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I just focused on where i was going. I haven't seen this man in maybe ten or so years. So much has changed. Before I knew it, the cab was pulling into a driveway and pulling up next to a house. Throwing a twenty at the driver, I hoped out, looking at the house. It was huge. Or, at least, bigger than any house I've been in. It seemed like it was well taken care of, but now paint was peeling in small places, a few shingles have fallen off, and weeds have overgrown the stone walkway to the door. Hoping I had the address right, I walked to the door and rang the bell. At first, there was nothing. Looking around, I saw two cars parked in front of a garage, so I knew people where home. Deciding this might have been too much of a risk, I started to walk backwards. 'It's a trap. Run! He lied to you. He sent you to Him' my paranoia started to kick in. Before I could get too far, the door opened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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