The Beginning and The End

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There was a hunter who lived in a cabin with his wife and son. They resided in a small community of hunter-gatherers that worked day in and day out. While his wife was a gatherer he trained his son to become a hunter just like him. He taught his son how to use a bow, such as how to aim and where to aim it, and, how to use a knife, so the animal could have a swift death. He taught the importance of thanking the creature for it's life and thanking nature for providing it's life. His son seemed to understand everything he was being told. But as they grew older they grew farther apart. His son was out spending time with friends and would go on casual hunting trips. He didn't end the lives of animals so he could sustain his own he killed them for sport. This angered Mother Nature. She cursed him to wake up one morning in a field to find himself inhabiting the body of a boar. If he could live until dawn he would return to his original state. That day his father had gone hunting on his own. The father did not know he was hunting his own son. When the father drew his bow and took the shot he had shot his son in the chest; the arrow piercing his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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