The Start

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noun: life; plural noun: lives; noun: one's life; plural noun: one's lifes1.the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death."the origins of life"

Life is an adventurous kind of thing. We as human are an interesting kind of species that can't be described in just one word. We are the ones who build the pyramid, found technology, the galaxy and many more that we as Homo erectus (human kind) has discovered for the past 1.3 to 1.8 million years

To summarise it "Life is Unscripted" 

Hi there *preparing to introduce the main character "me"* My name is Amelia Stanley and I'm an average girl who you can find at standing at the back of the crowd *shyly*and prefers to stay indoors on the weekends. My life is as normal as any average teenage girl *too normal*. I'm on my senior year now and as everyone knows having go through life means that your screwed as f#&k if you don't become studious or if you procrastinate of not doing the works that need to be done and also you might become a disappointment and not get into a high standardised university or just a normal community college. And that's what I'm feeling right now,  in the upcoming month is when I will start my final year of high school "MY SENIOR YEAR". I study in an IB or known also known as International Baccalaureate faculty school. Sounds fancy is it? Yeah it's a fancy student program. The IB badge holds the key of pride towards applying to universities or employment if you're the type of where you think universities are useless in life. When having the IB badge, you are gonna feel like you have succeed in life and have the confidence to apply or create into anything you desire. In short term, IB is just like cake. Yeah you heard me it's just like cake. As we all know when baking a cake, it requires a lot of ingredients and a lot of mixing, baking, icing and decorating just to make a delicious sweet treat for you and your family to enjoy. Cake requires hard work and then at the end you have accomplished a treat to compliment yourself. And that ladies and gentlemen is the meaning of IB. *crowd applause* Okay I may have been to dramatic about the meaning of IB but to all the IB students you're gonna understand what I'm talking about the miracle of IB. Okay guys Tha's what all I got today. 

Make your life adventurous as unscripted - Amelia Stanley

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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