Rainbow Sprinkles

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concept from @shprism. forgot i ever bothered to write this :p i hope it's okay? kind of rushed the editing.


"You're far too excited for this," Leigh-Anne teases, poking her girlfriend in the cheek, "we're just going out to get ice cream. You don't need to break out your full-blown pride outfit."

Jade pouts, hunching over and dropping her two flags (one for lesbian pride and one for the lgbt community as a whole) to her sides. "But Leigh-Leigh, it's our month, and our day is tomorrow and we're busy that day! We've got to go out today and be proud of it. It's called pride, for heaven's sake."

"You're too cute. At least you look as perfect as ever."

"Leighly," Jade whines, a faint blush tinting her cheeks. She loves compliments, but the ones Leigh-Anne gives her make her go all mushy in side and she just falls deeper for her.

"Jadie," Leigh calls, echoing her girlfriend's tone, "let's get going. And get me one of those pride bandanas, will you? I could use something for my hair."

Ten minutes and two decked out pride outfits later, the girls are finally leaving their flat and off to the nearest ice cream parlor. They skip to their destination hand-in-hand, swinging their arms back and forth and laughing when one of them released the other's hand suddenly. Leigh-Anne ends up tripping several times and Jade catches her for every single one, occasionally pecking her girlfriend on the cheek when she sweeps her back onto her feet. There are many civilians milling around in their own pride attires, and the two girls even spot a couple drag queens about. That makes Jade beyond excited and Leigh has to practically drag her into the parlor. (Ha! Get it? Drag?)

"Can I have cookie dough, please? On a cone," Leigh-Anne says, ignoring the weird looks the man working at the counter is giving her and Jade.

The man shrugs and looks to Jade to see what she wants as another employee walks in to fix up Leigh's order.

"I would like a hot fudge sundae please," Jade mutters, eyeing the list of toppings at the end of the counter. "oh my- with rainbow sprinkles! For pride! Loads and loads, if that's not a trouble."

"Sorry ma'am, but we're out of rainbow sprinkles," the man replies, not a hint of emotion in his tone.

Jade blinks. Once. Twice. "What do you mean, you're out?"

"I mean we don't have any. So pick another topping or someth-"

"Wait!" Jade interrupts, placing her hands on the counter exasperatedly. "You're telling me, that this ice cream parlor is out of rainbow sprinkles during pride month? It's barely the second week! How have you run out?"

Leigh-Anne tries to interject, placing a hand on Jade's back and rubbing circles in order to calm her, but Jade really wants her rainbow sprinkles.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I really am. We were running low before this month even started, and never restocked," the second employee says, handing Leigh her cone of cookie dough ice cream, "will chocolate sprinkles suffice?"

"What? You never thought to restock for pride month? And of course chocolate sprinkles won't do! I want rainbow."

"Jade, love, maybe you should leave them be.." Leigh-Anne mumbles, giving her cone a couple tentative licks," just get the chocolate sprinkles."

"No, Leigh. This is our month. Our month! Don't you remember? I asked you.. I asked you on the last day of pride month. It's special either way. And I want my damn rainbow sprinkles!"

That seemed to be Jade's last hurrah, as she collapses into Leigh-Anne's arms at the final word. Instead of shouting, the smaller girl resorts to constant whining and cursing about rainbow sprinkles and how badly she wants them, because it's "her and her boo-bear's" month and she wants her ice cream to be special.

Leigh-Anne gazes down at her girlfriend in adoration and feels something inside of her break a little, wanting nothing more but to make Jade happy, and suddenly she is out the door and speed-walking down to the local market. The words "rainbow sprinkles" repeat in her head, and she practically kicks down the door to enter the market (even though it's automatic, and that's not how it works).

She peers down every aisle, not sure what to look for, and ends up having to walk through each and every one as well. She finds small containers of rainbow sprinkles in the dessert aisle and swipes the first one she sees. In minutes, Leigh-Anne has paid for the sprinkles and is out the door, not bothering to get her change back or accept a receipt.

"Surprise, love!"

Jade yelps when her girlfriend reenters the parlor and drops the spoon she had been using to stab her sundae with. Leigh-Anne is holding something behind her back, and Jade doesn't really know what to expect. She's far too angry at the employees.

"Oh, you're back. Where'd you go? I need you to tell this man that rainbow sprinkles should be their number one priority during pride month!" Jade rants, giving her ice cream a final stab.

Leigh-Anne smiles softly, trying to ignore the adorableness of her girlfriend's tantrum, and scampers over to her table. "Don't worry about him, Jadie. Look!"

She holds out the container of sprinkles like Simba from Lion King, letting Jade bask in the glory of her beloved rainbow sprinkles.

"Here, love," Leigh-Anne murmurs, popping open the container. She hands it to Jade, who proceeds to dump a quarter of the rainbow sprinkles onto her sundae. "Better?"

"S'perfect. I'm still mad though. How can you run out of sprinkles during Pride month? How disrespectful!"

"Oh, Jeed," Leigh-Anne breathes, affectionately brushing a loose strand of hair behind Jade's ear. She always finds it adorable whenever her girlfriend is grumpy. "Don't worry about it. You got your sprinkles."

Jade sighs and lets herself smile. Leigh does these kinds of things to her, makes her happy whenever she's mad or sad. "I love you, Leighly."

"I love you too, Jadie," Leigh-Anne replies, leaning down to place a kiss on her girlfriend's temple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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