__She is not her__

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She woke up. Showered. Then makeup- just like the girl on the YouTube.

Then pulled out a ripped-tight black jeans, a classy white top and a brown expensive jacket. Pairing it with golden heels that she bought yesterday from an online shopping site worth $600. She then accessorised with a long golden chain and a round hat and sunglasses-just like the girl she saw on Pinterest.

She then pulled out the bag she was saving for that outfit since a week. It had white leather and precious stones embedded- like the one Kylie Jenner had.

Pushing the mess she made inside the cupboard, she opened the wooden door and headed outside to the kitchen. Her parents looked at her in disbelief and continued their breakfast that included bread jam and toast.

She ignored them and went into the kitchen, pulled out the oatmeal box and milk; along with a mango shake, she ate two apples- her breakfast was just what the YouTube girl told.

Moving out of her stinking home, she made a walk to the city. Just before the five-star hotel, she stood like a celebrity.

No sooner, a Hayabusa halted in front of her. She smiled at the man who she thought was her boyfriend.
"Early today too! I thought I could see your apartment.."
She giggled and then ignored his words. Sitting behind him, they went off for their college.

During the lunch break, she laughed with her friends on the girls who wore just clothes.
"She looks awful. Just like a beggar that I saw downstreet."
She didn't know what was hilarious, yet she laughed- just like the others were.

After the college, she and her friends went out for dinner. It was her turn to treat everyone. So she did. In a five star restaurant, she ordered more than the whole restaurant had and spent more than the others had.

The boy she thought was her boyfriend, dropped her where he picked her from. She waved a goodbye and then hid behind the alley to see if he was gone.

Then with an annoying face, she walked a kilometre to her home in the town.

Her feet ached due to the high-heels she wore and the distance she walked.
Yet she didn't dare remove them until she was in her room.

She knocked and her mother opened. She wasn't happy to see her daughter, yet she greeted.

Without saying a word, she locked herself in the room and took off all the fake things that she stuck on herself.
It wasn't over
Her brain yet had to work -
"What should I dress for tomorrow?"

She is blind. Not by her eyes, but her brain. She does not and never will realise that she lost herself by being others.


Heya readers,
Hope you got the moral. This shows the sensitivity of being the real you.

I found this really touching and I went a little sensitive too. I hope you liked it.
I know its kinda too short. But I wanted to explain it in the shortest words.

Please please please do comment your feelings on it. I'd love if you'd let me know. Also don't forget to vote.


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