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*Alison's POV*
I walk up the stairs and into my daughter Emilia's bedroom to wake her up, I pick her up out of her crib and walk down the stairs with her in my arms, I make her breakfast feed her, then I get her dressed. I wait for my friend Ashley to come round to watch Emmy while I'm at work. I named Emilia after my best friend and first love Emily. When I was 15 I ran away from home after my mom tried to bury me alive. Then a few weeks later I found out that I was 2 months pregnant and I knew that I could never go back to my hometown of rosewood. Emilia is 11 months old, I haven't seen any of my family or friends in a year and a half, they found a body buried where my mom buried me and then think that it's me so that makes it easier for me to stay gone, I still don't know why my mom did that to me, while she was burying me I was trying to tell her I was alive I was screaming 'can't you see me breathing look at me' but the words wouldn't come out, about ten minutes later Mrs Grunwald came and pulled me out of the ground and drove me to the hospital but when she went inside to get help, I got out of her car and ran away. Thats when Mona saw me walking with blood dripping down my forehead, then she took me to The Lost Woods Resort, she cleaned my cut and then the next morning she went shopping for me and then I left rosewood and never looked back. I changed my name, hairstyle and I wear coloured contacts so no one knows that it's me.

When I finished work I came home, made Emmy her dinner, gave her a bath put her to bed and then I went to make my own dinner and watched some television, when I was flicking through the channels, I flicked on the news channel and it showed Mona and it said that she was sent to Radley Mental Institution for Cyberbullying and threatening four classmates, is Mona a, the person I was afraid of after all this time can I finally go home? If I can get in contact with someone I can trust it will be Emily because I know that she won't tell anyone about it, I just don't know how to contact her do I call her or do I actually go and see her? I think that I have to do this in person, she deserves to know that I'm alive before the others because she never stopped loving me and she was always my favourite and she is the most loyal and helpful. I have to meet up with her soon, but how? I guess I'm going to have to let Ashley babysit Emilia and then go and follow Emily and wait until she's alone then talk to her.

*Texts between Alison & Ashley*
Alison- Hey Ash would you be able to watch Emilia tomorrow?

Ashley- Hey, I'd love to but I've got a job interview at 12 then a date at 6.

Alison- Okay thank you anyway.
^End Of Texts^

Alison's POV-
Great so now I have no one to watch Emilia the only person I trust with her can't watch her, I guess I'll have to take her with me. I best get to sleep because I have a long day ahead tomorrow.
Before bed, I take a quick shower, dry my hair check on Emilia and then pick our outfits out ready for the morning.

Hey Guys,
Thank you for reading I hope you liked it please comment and vote. Let me know how Emily should react to Alison being alive.
Kisses -Shenay 💋

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