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Christian Johnson

Christian is a 15 years old. He is an 10th grader. He does awesome in school and has an interest in Soccer. He is awesome in it .He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He has 2 sisters and an older brother. His sisters are 5 years old and 9 years old in Kindergarten and 5th grade. Their names are Carmen and Crystal. His brother is 24 years old year and he is working as a engineer. His name is Chase. His Mother and Father have been married for 26 years.

Summer Moon

Summer is also 15 years old. She is a 10th grader. She does great in school and has an interest in Soccer. She is great in it. She has black hair and dark brown eyes. She has an older brother. Her brother's name is Michael. He is 25 years old( Michael and Chase are also best friends). Her brother also works as an engineer, (however Chase and Michael don't work together). Finally her Mother and Father have been married for 27 years.

Author's Note

Hey guys, keep in mind this is the introduction and it's meant to be short. Their will be other Characters in the future though who will be introduced.
Until next time, see you later.

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