1. Zada James Has Got a Crush

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Get to locker.

Get to lunch. 

Gonna be late again.

My friends and I have a specific time we have to get to lunch every day, but it never happens because I'm a slow poke that spends too much time at her locker everyday talking with Tina, my best friend. 

My inner monologue continues to run as I bump into another human being. My iPad falls to the floor. I swear under my breath. Oh wow it's Dylan Matthews. I never noticed how cute he looks face to face. Probably because I never talk to him. 

You need to get out more. He bends down and passes me my iPad which now has an extra pretty crack on the glass. I swear internally again. 

"Thanks," I say. 

"Mhm," he nods and walks past me. Not even a glance. Am I really that unnoticeable? I sigh and watch him walk the rest of the hallway. Damn he's cute. 

I walk to my locker to put my 5th and 6th period notebooks in. 

"I see you cracked your iPad again," Tina says walking up to my locker.

"Yup, clumsy ol' me, but it wasn't exactly my fault. You see, I bumped into Dylan Matthews." I zip up my bag and closed my locker. 

"Yea but you dropped it," she replies. 

"You know, he's kinda cute, don't you think?," I completely disregard Tina's last statement. I tend to ignore people without realizing it, especially when I'm lost in thought. Thats a really bad trait I know. 

"Let's walk and talk shall we," she loops her arm around mine and we begin our walk. 

"He didn't even notice me though, it was kinda sad," I continue to ramble. We made it to our official unofficial lunch table and sat down. 

"Lol you have a crush Zada," Tina unzips her lunch box and pulls out a sandwich. 

"Zada has a what?," Liam, one of our friends, sits down across from me. 

"I don't have an anything," I frown at Tina. Why is she revealing my secret so early in the journey. The journey. Yes the journey. 

"Damn right she doesn't haven't have an anything. Zada when was the last time you had a boyfriend," Jayden sits down next to Liam. 

"Since never Jayden, and your lucky your on the other side of the table cause I wanna punch you," I glare and dramatically put my cheek on my hand. That's right. Ladies and gentlemen ya girl has never had a boyfriend.  Go ahead and judge me and my eleventh grade ass.

"It's ok, Zades you'll find someone for you," Tina pats my hair. I move away from her hand.

"Can that someone be Dylan Matthews," I sigh. Liam and Jayden turn to me in surprise. 

"Damnit I meant to say that in my head."

"Aw Zada has a crush," my friend Adam sits down next to me and pinches my cheek. 

"Well I thought I would never see the day!," Liam exclaims, "I've never heard of Zada having a crush."

"Yea, because I never say anything," I frown.

"Well your not gonna make progress like that honey ," Jayden says. 

"Jayden I am going to punch you," I warn him. He just laughs and bites into his sandwich. My gaze brings me over to Dylan's side of the table. He sits at the same table as us but farther down and with a different group. It would be so much easier to talk to him if we were closer friends, but he doesn't even notice my existence. 

Oh well, story of my life.

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