Chapter One

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Title- The Dragon

My Name is Max and I'm 15 years old. My parents died when I was little so I barely have any memories of them besides pictures or stories my grandmother use to tell me about them. I live with my adopted sister Iris, A girl I met along the streets and decided to take her into my family just a year before my parents passing. Iris is also my age and goes to the same high school as me but school isn't a trouble now that it's summer. She is a brunette with blue eyes so you already know all the boys are drooling over her. I think she has taken a interest into me but since I'm pansexual I have my doubts. "Max you haven't eaten in a whole day you need to eat. Here I made you your favorite, PB&J." Speaking of the devil she doesn't even knock and that makes me even more irritated.

"You know I hate it when you don't knock...Thanks though." I snatch the sand which and put it in my mouth still working on my invention. "Whatcha working on Max?" She asked while sitting down on one the tables used for my experimenting. I've been working on a invention that'll prove this town in stranger than normal. When I moved in with my grandmother here I saw a dragon fly up and sleep on top of a build board. I know it sounds so weird but I swear on my parents grave I saw it and I'm not the only one because my friend Haruka saw it too that same night. So I've been creating these heat resistant, night vision and camouflage cameras in hopes I will be able to capture it once again. "Making these cameras that way I can capture that monster in tape.." I say reaching to the screw driver. Iris grinned and hand it over to me. "Your still set on that? Geez... I though you would leave it be." She stretched and yawned. "If your tired then you should go take a nap." I say still not facing her. "You know I can't sleep during the day. Haruka, Travis and Anna should be here in a few minu-"

Knock, Knock.

"That's probably them." Iris walked to the door with her pink sandals, shirt shorts and green tan top. "Max~! Your ready to go Monster Hunting again?!" I could practically hear Haruka's smile. Truth be told I kind of like Haruka most of the group because he is always so hyped and sweet. I friend and saw him with his blonde hair and sweet smile just like I imagined him to be. "What are you nerds working on now?" Anna teased while setting her purse on the same table Iris sat at. "I'm not a nerd. I'm working on these cameras that can capture the dragon Haruka and I saw that night." I said and went back to work. Anna was the pretty girl of the group with blonde hair and beautiful blue ocean eyes with a white long sleeve and blue skirt. Obviously with her red purse by her side oh and let's not forget her purple ring. "Just a few more... screws..." I say. Travis scoffed and sat in a nearby chair still with that black hoodie his little sister gave him before she was hit by a truck. Yeah... all of us lost family members. Anna with her older brother in the army, Travis with his little sister, Haruka with his mother and grandmother, Iris with her parents death and now her adopted parents death and My own parents as well.

"There! What time is it Anna?" I, once I was finished, asked specifically Anna because she was almost always on her phone. Except either when she's hunting with us or just talking with us. "6:42. Let's get there before it gets too dark." She replied with a smile. "Alright. Haruka your with me. Iris with Anna and Travis your with Buddy." Buddy was our German Shepard that was too aggressive for other people besides us since we did find him in the streets. Buddy was male and kind of what brought us to being even more closer than what all of us were before. I packed up the five cameras in my black bag and pulled a royal blue jacket on me. "Hey Max! Your jacket matches with my skirt!" Anna says as she takes out her phone from her purse. Iris growled and glared at the blonde. My adopted sister was just too overprotective. She hated when a single male or female looked at me which I find kind of unfair judging the amount of males are after her ass. I passed around the hidden Walkie talkies. "Stay in pairs and if we get lost or disconnected meet here got it?" All of them nod their head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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