July 20th

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It was normal day for most people.

But for Shiota Nagisa it was the worst day of the year.

Every time the date came around his mother would buy Nagisa countless dresses and make him try each one on, stating that "a lady should find the perfect dress for her perfect birthday." For a normal girl it probably would have been wonderful, but he wasn't a lady.

Luckily for Nagisa, this year his birthday was a school day - Thursday to be precise. That meant he didn't have to deal with the dresses and other frilly adornments until after school. The only problem with going today was that one of the few people who knew about his birthday went to his school, and said person knew that Nagisa hated his birthday. It even was a sore spot for him now, as right before they had cut ties the other had promised he'd make Nagisa's 13th birthday perfect. But not two weeks before, the friend had finally realized he'd lost the blue-haired boy and probably couldn't get him back.

Out of all the times Akabane Karma could have realized something like that.

Nagisa woke up to his normal screeching alarm on the other side of his room. Glaring at his phone placed much too far away, he flopped out of the bed and clumsily placed a pale finger on the button that shut the damned thing off.

Groaning slightly, Nagisa got ready for school and put his hair up into the usual pigtails before heading out the door of his apartment silently as to not wake his mother and begin the day of pain earlier than necessary.

Plastering his usual smile onto his face, Nagisa kept his worries in so to not burden anyone else with what he deemed to be "trivial problems." Sliding the door open, Nagisa entered his classroom and went to his desk, realizing he was a little early in his attempts to leave home as soon as possible. Resisting the urge to just collapse on his desk and go back to sleep, Nagisa sifted through his bag for something he could do, annoyingly coming up with very little and nothing interesting at that.

Right as he was about to give up, the noise of the door sliding open and closed could be heard, and Nagisa turned his gaze to the new occupant of the room, just to lock eyes with none other than Akabane Karma.

"Hi Karma." Nagisa greeted casually, for they had abandoned honorifics by now, seeing as they both had secret crushes on each other, hoping that Karma had forgotten his birthday altogether or at the very least didn't realize it was today.

"Hello Birthday Boy~."

Well it appeared that he hadn't forgotten.

Nagisa looked away.

"Keep that quiet, okay? You know I hate my birthday."

"Does that mean you won't let me spoil you?" Karma crept closer to his secret crush.

"Of course you can't spoil me! We'll be in class!" Nagisa retorted, a small blush coloring his face.

"But after school?"

"I have to go home to Mom..."

Birthday (Karmagisa One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now