Ayla's POV

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10:15 AM Setting: Ayla's house

A: Morning Mack what's cooking, smells good

M: There are eggs on the pan, sausages on the plate and bacon on the table. Enjoy!

*Mack kisses Ayla on the cheek*

A: Wait, where are you going, I thought you were staying?

M: Sorry, I gotta run catch you later *slams the door*

A: Catch you later? Okay, that was suspicious he always stays for breakfast, No matter how much in a hurry he is.

A: .........Well the food is not gonna eat it's self * Ayla starts to eat*

After a while Ayla got dressed up and started investigating, but first she went to Logan's house.

A: Hey Logan,wait... was that Chloe running across the hall or am i just seeing things?

L: No that was Chloe, We got into a little argument

A: Oh, what happened?

L: She was calling this guy named Mack telling him she loves her and it pissed me off so i told her to leave.

A: Wait, please tell me your joking right

L: What?

A: Mack as in .... My boyfriend

*Sorry this was short it was supposed to be a POV*

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