The Wall

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Today was a great day. I went out to my yard and I sawed something I never sawed closely before. It was a wall. A uge wall. I saw the wall before but this time I saw it more closely. It was different from other walls. It was more prettier. It made me realize Melania is not for me. I didn't love her. I loved her fake boobies and her funny duck lips. But I love the walls soul. 

"Donald, where are you?" I heard Melania call. Oh no, I can't go back to her. Not after I fell for this wall. I jumped behind a bush until she passed. After she left I realized I was pressed against the wall. Oh no, it probably thinks I'm a pervert. Oh wait, actually, it probably loves me. Everybody loves me. I have the best face. And the best words. And money. I have all the money's.

"I'll be back tomorrow wall." I said. And then I saw a small hole in it. I grabbed the hole. I'm a star, I can grab walls wherever I want. I went inside and left the wall outside. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I mean her. It's a girl wall. I wanted to talk to the wall. It called to me when I tried to sleep.

"Don Don" it says "You have the moneys and the words. the best words. all the words. I want you here now to be with me all the time because I love you" It's voice is in my head but that's what she says, i'm almost 64.90909090 and a half percent sure of it. She wants me. I made Melania sleep in another room today because I don't like her anymore. Even though Melnia wasn't in the room I decided to sleep outside with my wall. I sneeked outside through my window on the 1st floor. I could have gone through the door but the window was closer. I went to my wall and laid on it.

"Donaldddddd you cameeee, yayyyyyy" she was so happy. "I thought you didn't want me and I had sad" 

"No wall I love you so many. I had to come." I told her. She cried tears of happiness and we felled asleep together, Watching the moon set. I hope nobody sees me tomorrow morning or they'll know I cheated on Melania. I like the moneys.

(AN: my other chapters will be longer)

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